New Mexico

US Museum Refuses Hiroshima Exhibit over Abolishing Nuclear Weapons Theme

A museum in Los Alamos, New Mexico (AP) — a once-secret New Mexico city that developed the atomic bomb — has put an exhibit from Japan on hold because of its theme of abolishing nuclear weapons.
The Los Alamos Historical Museum confirmed Monday that it will not host a traveling exhibit organized by the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum and Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum until all parties can work out their differences over the theme.

New Mexico Governor: Cops Need Legal Immunity to Abuse in Order to Protect Taxpayers

Despite having the highest rate of police shooting deaths in the nation, New Mexico’s governor is trying to pass a law giving legal immunity to cops who kill and abuse.
Governor Susana Martinez, a former prosecutor, says the law would protect taxpayers from having to pay settlements resulting from police abuse.
But who is going to protect the taxpayers from the cops?
Obviously, not her.

Blue America Endorses Antoinette Sedillo Lopez for Congress (NM-01)

New Mexico’s first congressional district— basically Albuquerque— is nice and blue and it’s not going to fall into Republican hands any time soon. Hillary beat Trump 51.6% to 35.1% and the PVI is D+7. The Congressmmeber, Michelle Lujan Grisham, is leaving hereat to run for governor. She’s garden variety Democrat, not terrible, but nothing to write him about.