New Dems

Blue Dogs And New Dems Are Still Working To Undermine and Take Over The Democratic Party

Money-grubbing Long Island Blue DogWhen Boehner and McCarthy boast how their extreme right agenda gets bipartisan support, they're talking about a gaggle of reactionary Democrats who for one reason or another vote with the GOP-- primarily Blue Dogs and New Dems. Last week, for example, the House voted 242-184 to further restrict women's right to reproductive Choice.

Are The National Democrats Imitating House Of Cards Or Is House Of Cards Imitating The National Democrats?

I've nearly finished watching all of Season 3 of House of Cards. No spoilers' alert here; I'm not going to give away surprises. I keep asking myself-- and my fellow House of Cards fans-- why we like Frank and Claire Underwood. Apart from the fact they they are dangerous psychopaths-- and let's not forget that Frank is a cold-blooded murderer and that Claire is an accomplice-- there's the substance behind the his politics. I hate everything about his politics. Frank Underwood is the kind of fake Democrat-- a South Carolina Blue Dog or New Dem-- we are always railing against here at DWT.

Wall Street-Owned New Dems Ready To Make War Against Elizabeth Warren And The Progressive Movement

Multimillionaire Scott Peters (D-CA) wants to undermine Elizabeth WarrenScott Peters is a very wealthy conservative Democrat who bought himself a San Diego congressional seat in 2012. In one of the closest races in the country, Peters beat incumbent Republican Brian Bilbray 124,746-122,086, after outspending him $4,352,737 to $2,772,270.

Will The GOP Eviscerate Wall Street Reform? Not Without The Help Of The New Dems

bipartisanGenerally speaking, the New Dems are thought of as the arm of the conservative, corporate-oriented DLC inside the House. That isn't the way it was meant to be, however. Almost two decades ago 5 right-wing Democrats-- Blanche Lincoln (AR), Joe Lieberman (CT), Bob Graham (FL), Evan Bayh (IN) and Mary Landrieu (LA)-- started the Senate branch of the New Democrat Coalition, primarily to push through the unfair trade agreements Wall Street and Big Business were clamouring for.

The Ultimate Culprits On Behalf Of Wall Street Deregulation: Chuck Schumer (D) And Kevin McCarthy (R)-- And Who Are The New Dems?

Two rats: Kevin McCarthy and Chuck SchumerElizabeth Warren's clarion calls-- three on the Senate floor this week-- may have been derided by South Carolina closet queen Lindsay Graham (R) as "immature" and "emotional," but they were having their intended effect on their intended audience (which was not South Carolina closet queens on the other side of the aisle).

Time For The Democrats To Bid Adieu To The Blue Dogs?

Wednesday afternoon, the DCCC was asking people to sign petitions against "Boehner's" Wall Street giveaway in the omnibus appropriations bill. They carefully neglected to mention that the most vile provisions are being pushed by, among others, the Finance Chair of the DCCC, Wall Street shill Jim Himes (New Dem-CT) and by most of the Blue Dogs and New Dems left in Congress-- including the ones who were defeated and are just hanging around the lame duck looking for K Street jobs.