New Dems

The Republican Wing Of The Democratic Party Is Still Alive And Kicking

Hillary's campaign team has been relentless-- even ruthless-- in getting endorsements (and commitments from Super-Delegates). One relatively high-up party official, currently running for office, told me his neutral stance turned into a Hillary endorsement and commitment because of the ceaseless barrage of annoying calls... and implicit threats. Another told me his decision to stay neutral had turned into an endorsement of Bernie when he got sick of the pressure.

The New Dems And Backward Trade Policies-- TPP

Wall Street and Big Business, usually thought of as an integral part of the Republican Party, finances The New Dem faction of the House Democratic caucus to ensure that they have their fingers in the internal affairs of both parties. Currently there are 46 New Dems in the House and, generally speaking, they tend to be the most conservative Democrats in the House, the ones who back corporate/Wall Street policies and the Republican agenda.

Will Democratic Constituency Groups Finally Start Holding Conservative Democrats In Congress Accountable For Their Bad Votes? Ask Kathleen Rice

I was born in NYC and my parents moved to Nassau County when I was a kid so they could raise me and my sisters in the suburbs. That's a typical story for folks who live in Nassau County today. My folks moved to Valley Stream first and then out to Roosevelt, both of which are in NY-04, the Nassau County district represented by conservative New Dem Kathleen Rice. And Rice, a former Nassau County District Attorney, has a similar story.

Hoyer Shows His True Colors Again-- Spoiler: Not Blue

Intimates of Nancy Pelosi's say that as much as she wants to retire as Democratic leader, she won't do it while there is a chance Steny Hoyer will get the job. Most House Democrats know that if Hoyer ever becomes Speaker-- God forbid-- all legislation will be filtered through K Street and nothing will ever get done. Hoyer is a Beltway lobbyist favorite.

New Dems And Blue Dogs Whining It Costs Them More To Run For Congress Than It Costs Real Democrats

Writing for Stars and Stripes and the Washington Post Sunday, Anne Kim, an operative for Wall Street's deceptively named Progressive Policy Institute (a pro-corporate/anti-worker New Dem outfit that was founded by the DLC to promote neoliberal ideas like NAFTA and the TPP), decries how much more it costs reactionary Democrats-- New Dems and Blue Dogs-- to run for election than it costs real Democrats.

Are Grassroots Democrats About To Give Untrustworthy New Dem Ami Bera The Ole Heave-Ho?

Yes, Ami, you can only fool Democratic voters for so long before they turn on youCA-07, composed primarily of the suburbs west of Sacramento, from Elk Grove, Rosemont, Arden-Arcade and Rancho Cordova up to Folsom and Citrus Heights, is a classic swing district with an even PVI. In 2008 Obama beat McCain 52-46% there and in 2008 he beat Romney 51-47%.