New Dems

Yes, There Actually ARE Some Democrats Worse Than Republicans-- Faux Dems From The Republican Wing Of The Democratic Party

How do you know if a Democrat is a real Democrat or some crook from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party. If the candidate in question is an incumbent, it's easy; they all have voting records you can find at ProgressivePunch. That link shows how House members were scored by the ProgressivePunch algorithm.

The New Dems Invade Iowa, Cutting Social Security The Goal

The Democratic congressional primary in Iowa-- unrelated to the presidential caucuses so long, long, long ago-- take place June 6, just a couple days over a month from now, June 7. The most important House race in the state is for the 1st district-- the northeast corner of the state, including Dubuque, Cedar Rapids, Waterloo, Marshalltown, Deborah, Independence and Osage.

Would You Vote For Someone Working To Destroy America? Most Members Of Congress Are Doing Just That-- TPP

Japan's Parliament is debating the TPP this week. But our Congress isn't. For all the GOP bullshit about letting the voters decide who the next Supreme Court just will be, they certainly have no intention of letting the voters decide who their next congressmembers will be based on a TPP vote. The strategy for thwarting the voters-- rigging the system, if you will-- is to keep it as quiet as you can and then vote on it after the election, probably during the lame duck session so that defeated members have been bribed and blackmailed into supporting it.

Why Bill Ostrander?

Since inheriting her late husband's seat and then ignoring her own term limits pledge, Lois Capps hasn't been a bad congresswoman. She doesn't stand out as a leader but ProgressivePunch grades her a solid B-- not as good as progressive a record as California Members like Barbara Lee, Mike Honda, Judy Chu, Linda Sanchez, Alan Lowenthal, Mark DeSaulnier, Maxine Waters, Grace Napolitano or even establishment-oriented liberals like Xavier Becerra, Jared Huffman and Nancy Pelosi. But nothing to be ashamed of.

The New Dems Have A List Of The Next Batch Of Congressional Sell-Outs And Corporate Shills-- Their 2016 Endorsements

Yesterday at this time, we looked at some of the so-called "Democrats" in Congress who are willing to sell out Social Security and Medicare and other programs that make up the safety net. Who are these people and why aren't they Republicans? Well, most of them are from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party, the Wall Street-owned New Dems or the shriveled Blue Dog caucus.

The DCCC And The New Dems Will Never Win Back The House-- But Can Keith Ellison?

Last night at this time we looked at Ruy Teixeira's report on demographic shifts that will help the Democrats retain the White House and probably win the Senate. As I mentioned, the DCCC is hopeless and short of a tape of Speaker Ryan and his leadership team caught screwing goats in an Ayn Rand ritual, the GOP will continue to hold the House.