New Dems

CUFF The Blue Dogs, CUFF The New Dems-- The Democratic Party Doesn't Need A Republican Wing

Blue Dogs and New Dems are, by nature, addicted to corruptionA Democratic operative texted me yesterday that he could smell another conservative shill the DCCC was preparing to unleash, Joshua Welle. "It's like he just rolled down the conveyor belt at DCCC shitty candidate factory they have in the basement at 430 South Capitol St." Let me guess, I replied, another centrist veteran?

Want To Know Which Democrats NOT To Vote For In Primaries-- The Blue Dogs And New Dems Have Lists

Elizabeth Warren endorsed Katie Porter, who is very much NOT a New DemLast week, we looked at the Blue Dogs' first list of 2018 endorsed candidates. These will be the worst of the worst-- and yesterday the New Dems, who, with the Blue Dogs make up most of the Republican wing of the Democratic Party, released their own list.

Are New Hampshire Democrats Finally Wising Up To How Awful New Dem Ann Kuster Is?

Putin missed one. Trump very narrowly lost New Hampshire to Clinton 348,526 (47.62%) to 345,790 (47.25%). The first in the nation primary should have been a warning for Clinton; Bernie cleaned her clock-- 152,193 (60.14%) to 95,355 (37.68%). New Hampshire Democrats were infuriated when Wasserman Schultz's delegate-rigging system awarded that massive Bernie victory just 16 delegates to Hillary's 15.

The Republican Wing Of The Democratic Party-- Meet Jim Himes Of Connecticut

At a meeting of Democratic thought leaders earlier in the week, Elizabeth Warren posed a rhetorical question "Do you get the feeling that if Bernie Madoff weren’t in prison he’d be in charge of the SEC right now?" I wonder if New Dem chairman and former Goldman-Sachs banker Jim Himes was in the room, though I doubt it, since he spends so much of his spare time shuffling from fundraiser to fundraiser.