New Dems

Now, Why Oh Why Would Schumer Refer To Congressional Democrats As "Namby Pamby?"

New Dems are taking over the Democratic Party and moving it rightOne of the Blue America candidates was told by the DCCC that they would consider backing his campaign if he joined the Blue Dogs. He told them he's joining the Congressional Progressive Caucus because his policy agenda and their policy agenda are in synch and because he doesn't agree with the Blue Dogs' reactionary approach. The DCCC didn't endorse him.

Conservatives In Congress-- From Both Parties-- Decide To Beat Up On Disabled People

James Langevin (D-RI)Jim Langevin (D-RI) is kind of a middle of the road Democrat. Generally speaking, he's not a progressive but he's certainly not a Blue Dog. When he was a 16 year old boy scout he was injured in a gun accident which left him paralyzed. He was elected to Congress in 2000, the first quadriplegic to ever serve in Congress.

You Want Candidates Who Will Vote With Republicans Against The DREAMers? Vote For New Dems And Blue Dogs

Breitbart appears frightened that Señor Trumpanzee could abandon Stephen's racism and xenophobia for something more pragmatic. They were calling him "Amnesty Don" Thursday morning (above) but appear to have changed the headline slightly by afternoon (below). But they're still whining about the DREAMers, as you can see.

Most New Dems Voted For The Republican FISA Bill-- Here Are Their Crap Candidates For 2018

I have one more thing-- two lists-- to say about last week's FISA vote and the betrayal by the New Dems and Blue Dogs (the Republican wing of the Democratic Party). Currently there are 51 New Dems in Congress, mostly corrupt garbage with a very few exceptions.The New Dems provided Ryan, Trumpanzee and McCarthy with the votes they needed to pass the Republican FISA bill.

A Self-Serving Democratic Establishment Still Has Its Fingers On The Levers Of Power-- And Will Continue Disadvantaging Progressives

Kara Eastman (Democrat) and Brad Ashford ("ex"-GOP Blue Dog)Alixandria Lapp, a poster child for the DC Dem's revolving door problem worked for New Dem Adam Smith (WA) from 1997-2005 and then went to work for the DCCC. In 2007 she became executive director of the New Dems, the Republican wing of the Democratic Party.

15 Democrats Voted With The GOP On One Of Their Anti-Healthcare Schemes Yesterday

When you accept an endorsement from the Blue Dogs, you're enabling thisHow do you know when a member of Congress is a Republican pretending to be a Democrat? Well, one is is when you catch them voting with the GOP to kick 700,000 low income people off healthcare. But let's start with the good news: on Friday morning Congress finally voted to reauthorize the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) that they had allowed to lapse.

It's Candidates Week Inside The Shrunken, Shriveled Democratic Piece Of The Beltway-- DCCC Playing Favorites

Tomorrow is day one of DCCC candidate Week in which the DC Democratic Party elites invite all their favored candidates and purposely leave out candidates they don't like. But they swear-- and believe it on some delusional level-- that they don't interfere in primaries. The festivities kick off Wednesday with two by-invitation-only events for right-wing Democrats.