New Dems

New Dems And Teabaggers-- A Headache For Both Parties

Both Beltway political parties have been having problems with their conservative wings. Inside Congress, ascendant "New Dems"-- the Republican wing of the Democratic Party-- are making common cause with Republicans on a range of issues, many-- they claim, at the behest of Steve Israel who didn't learn any useful lessons from the Great Blue Dog Apocalypse of 2010.

A Government Of The Rich, By The Rich And, More Than Anything Else, FOR The Rich

A bunch of slimy New Dems-- your father's Republican PartyAlmost half the Members of Congress (48%) are millionaires and most of the rest are there at the sufferance of millionaires and billionaires who finance their miserable political careers. The median estimated net worth of all 535 Members is about $966,000, although higher among the freshmen-- $1,066,515.

Joe Crowley-- Making The Republican Party Look Less Singularly Horrible

Dangerous douche bags Huckabee and Crowley... with guitarsEarlier today, we mentioned in passing, that Joe Crowley is one of the most corrupt Members of Congress... in history, and that he's been facilitating corrupt relationships between freshmen New Dems-- he's the ex-Chairman of the Big Business-owned coalition of anti-working family Democrats.