New Dems

Will The New Dems Get As Decimated Next Year As Their Ideological Brethren The Blue Dogs Were in 2010 And 2012?

Steve Israel has ZERO interest in races like these that pit progressives against powerful senior RepublicansWith the political demise of the Blue Dogs after the 2010 midterms, DCCC Chair-- and "ex"-Blue Dog-- Steve Israel made his top priority not winning back the House in 2012 but restocking the Republican wing of the Democratic Party with corrupt conservatives.

Multimillionaire New Dem John Delaney Wants To Give Rich Corporations Another Tax Holiday

Another entitled multimillionaire in Congress undermining the lives of ordinary AmericansIf you caught the post Monday about how the DCCC recruits too many damned millionaires who have no way of relating to ordinary working families, you may have noticed that Maryland multimillionaire backbencher John Delaney spent $2,370,556 last year to buy himself a seat, the third most among the wealthy Democ

Constituents Are Petitioning Colleen Hanabusa To Resign From The Corrupt New Dems

The Republican wing of Hawaii's Democratic Party-- Colleen and EdSince getting into Congress, Colleen Hanabusa was been a disgrace to the Democratic Party, always eager to do the bidding of the Wall Street special interests and of the Military Industrial Complex that President Eisenhower warned the country about when Hanabusa was just ten years old. And now she's running a nasty primary campaign against one of Hawaii's two progressive U.S.

Midterm Report: The Best and the Worst Democratic Freshmen

Time to grade the Democratic freshmen-- or at least to pick out the 10 best and the 10 worst. Which ones lived up to what Alan Grayson laid out in his little monologue above? And which served the interest of careerism and corporate special interests above the interests of their own constituents? Short version-- for people in a hurry-- here are two lists (alphabetized), the 10 best, followed b the 10 worst:

Patrick Murphy-- Is He The Worst Freshman Democrat? Unlikely He'll Be The Worst Sophomore

Technically, Patrick Murphy is a Democrat. He switched his registration from "Republican" just before challenging much-hated Tea Party target Allen West in 2012. A son of great wealth and privilege, Murphy was, of course, a lifelong Republican. Since getting into the House he's voted with Republicans on crucial roll calls more frequently than with Democrats.

A Note From DCCC Chairman Steve Israel: "Top Race In The Country"

I shuddered to think which corrupt conservative shill he had decided was the "top race in the country." Since Israel was a member of the reactionary Blue Dog caucus himself before making a play for House leadership, I figured it would be one of the broken down, struggling, remaining Blue Dogs who are facing defeat next year: Barrow (GA), McIntyre (NC) or Math

I Got A Call From A New Dem Friday

Not the New Dem who called me... but it could have beenA congressman who I used to talk to a few years ago-- before he was a congressman-- called me Friday. He said he felt badly because of the stuff I've been writing about him. I haven't really been writing about him much-- just reporting (usually without comment and never with any pejorative language) his ghastly votes. He said he felt bad because he likes me. I told him I felt bad because I like him.