New Dems

3 Wall Street-Owned New Dems Face Rematches

Teabagger Robert Lowry poses with realistic Ted Cruz blow-up dollEveryone is probably relieved there won't be a Patrick Murphy-Alan West rematch, but next year a handful of New Dems almost as bad as Murphy are going to have to face the Republican ex-congressmember they beat in 2012.Actually, Sean Patrick Maloney has an even worse voting record than Murphy.

Did You Think Only Republicans Are Wall Street Whores?

If you're a regular DWT reader, you know better. Of course, virtually every Republican in Congress is a full on shill for Wall Street. It's part of their DNA. But it's part of the DNA of a significant chunk of the Democratic congressional caucus as well. When it comes to catering to Wall Street there is virtually no difference whatsoever between Republicans and New Dems. Yesterday, 70 Wall Street-oriented Democrats voted with all but 3 Republicans to pass H.R. 992, an amendment to gut a piece of the Dodd-Frank financial reform consumer protection act.

Vermont Independent Bernie Sanders Fights For Working Families-- Florida Corporate Hack Patrick Murphy Is On The Other Side

Bernie Sanders (I-VT)-- like Ken and I, a graduate of James Madison High School-- has been trying to explain that “Yesterday, the Republicans were using the Affordable Care Act as the reason why they had to shut down the government and not pay our bills. Today, it’s ‘reforming’ Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

Wanted: A Primary Opponent For Kyrsten Sinema (New Dem-AZ)-- And Voters Sweep Away North Carolina Republicans

I've had a lot of feedback-- most of it great-- after Michelangelo Signorile's post last week in HuffPo about how propounding disappointing LGBT freshmen Kyrsten Sinema (New Dem-AZ) and Sean Patrick Maloney (New Dem-NY) have been. I've been blogging about these two clowns here at DWT all year. No one in New York seems to have noticed that Maloney has the single worst (i.e., most Republican) voting record of any Democratic freshman.

DCCC Now Admits It Helps Republican-Lite Democrats Beat Grassroots Progressives In Primaries

Anne Kuster, the newest New DemLate in July, the corrupt corporate whores of the Democratic Party-- the right-leaning New Dems-- boasted in a press release that they "now represent over 1/4 of the entire House Democratic Caucus at 53 Members." How did that happen, you wonder? DCCC recruitment.

Virtually The Entire House Financial Services Committee Should Be Indicted For Bribery

For much of the year we've been talking about the corruption that, to a great extent, defines the New Dems in Congress and pointing specifically to the bad apples among them that managed to get onto the House Financial Services Committee, one of the principal conduits of bribery cash from the Wall Street banksters to Congress.

America's Ruling Elites Are Screwing The Rest Of Us Out Of Selfishness And Greed

"We can't have a prosperous economy," explains former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich in the video above, "without a large and growing middle class." Over the weekend, his column dealt with the Republican Party's systematic sabotage of the economy. They're opposing policies that grow and sustain the middle class and they're pushing an agenda that pushes more ordinary working families into economic distress and poverty. Reich focuses on the GOP's obstruction of every attempt to improve the jobs situation.