New Democratic Party (NDP)

Why is NDP China Policy Same as Conservatives?

The NDP is supporting the intelligence agencies/arms industry/US empire faction of Canada’s ruling class that is stoking tensions with China. The historically left-wing party has amplified childish Conservative attacks, ignored the views of party backers and supported provocative naval missions.  The NDP responded to the Liberals’ special rapporteur on foreign interference report by amplifying Conservative […]

Hey CIJA! Conflating Jews with Israel is Racist

Charges of “antisemitism” have been degraded to the point where they often sound like a 6-year-old telling other kids not to play with Johnnie because he has cooties. Recently federal NDP executive member Ryan Painter quote-tweeted me saying “Don’t listen to anything Yves Engler says. He’s Canada’s leading antisemite and doesn’t want anything more than […]

NDP onboard with Cons, Liberals in warmongering over Ukraine

Canada’s “left wing” party is openly opposed to negotiating an end to the war in Ukraine. In “Feds must do more to support Ukraine, say experts, Ukrainians, opposition MPs” NDP foreign affairs critic Heather McPherson repeats the party’s call to send more weapons to fight Russia and suggests the NDP formally opposes negotiations. The Monday […]

“Left problem” is not cozying up to bad guys but supporting imperialism

Left media should explore a wide range of critical ideas. But it should try to avoid ‘punching down’ too often. Recently new left outlet The Breach published a long interview with Columbia University PhD student Barnaby Raine “on the resurgence of ‘tankie’ and ‘campist’ politics” titled “Is the enemy of my enemy my friend?” It […]

Shame on NDP for supporting imperialism in Haiti

Which is the Canadian political party most likely to stand up to the world’s rich and powerful? Which is willing to help the poorest of the poor gain a semblance of dignity and respect? Which can proudly proclaim, we stand for what is right, not just what is easy and expedient? Unfortunately, the answer is […]
The post Shame on NDP for supporting imperialism in Haiti first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Broadbent Institute Head smears Ashton, Robinson and Internationalism

Broadbent Institute head Rick Smith should just be frank and say he hates Palestinians and doesn’t care about internationalism. On Tuesday Smith tweeted that it was disturbing that NDP MP Niki Ashton was doing an upcoming fundraiser for the Progressive International with former British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn. In response to former NDP MP […]

What is Canada’s NDP Thinking?

Brand a few neo-Nazis in Canada as “terrorists” but train and give military assistance to a much larger and more violent group of them in the Ukraine. What’s going on? The New Democratic Party’s successful push to list the Proud Boys as a terrorist organization highlights their indifference to imperialism and a decidedly ‘North Americanist’ […]
The post What is Canada’s NDP Thinking? first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Making Politics Work for You

Winston Churchill, in the British House of Commons on November 11, 1947, made the following statement:

Many forms of Government have been tried and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…”