
Matt Forney - Culture Clash in the Run Up to the US Election - Hour 1

Matt Forney is an author, journalist and entrepreneur currently based in Chicago. A native of Syracuse, New York, he has lived in Canada as well as the Philippines, and studied English and journalism at SUNY Plattsburgh and the University at Albany. Forney is a columnist for Return of Kings and Right On, and blogs regularly at his website MattForney.com. Additionally, he is the author of the self-help guide “Confessions of an Online Hustler” and several other books.

Imagine What A Landslide It Would Be If The Democrats Nominated Someone Other Than Hillary!

Friday, writing for the NYTimes, Maggie Haberman asserted that Trump's response to his collapsing poll numbers is that he "hasn't started yet." When asked about fears that he's dragging Republican candidates up and down the ticket into an unprecedented disaster, "he dismissed concerns from Senate Republicans that he may be a drag on their candidacies in the fall.

Ken Burns' Must Watch Speech, The Speech Of The Week-- And It's Only Monday

Film maker Ken Burns, who chronicles American history and culture, called out Trump, Trumpism and his enablers during a commencement speech at Stanford Sunday, referring to the Republican presidential nominee as "a charlatan, a naked emperor, a bullying, infantile man" without once uttering Trump's ugly name.

#BernieAndBoom-- A Guest Post By Sam Husseini, Founder Of VotePact.org

The dissent within the Democratic Party that Sen. Bernie Sanders has sparked needs somewhere to go.It should go in a direction that doesn't back Clinton-- and doesn't help Trump.That seems like you can't do both those things, but you can if you parse it through and do some real work.That energy should not go to backing Hillary Clinton: We've been down that road before. Gov.

#NeverTrump Flopped For The GOP-- Will It Help The Democrats Save America From Trump And The Trumpists?

Conventional wisdom, which isn't always wrong-- says that Hillary will win the nomination and that most of Bernie's supporters will coalesce around her to stop Trump. As the #NeverTrump movement dies off among conservatives, it's strengthening not just among partisan Democrats but among progressives.