
Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahOn the one hand, there's Hunter Biden. On the other hand, we have a whole White House chock full of grifters. Grifting is just another evil endorsed by Republicans, for Republicans anyway.The whole Hunter Biden thing is a Karl Rove-style move; accuse your opponent of that which you yourself are guilty. It doesn't matter if your opponent is guilty of anything or not.

Will The Clintons Try To Get Their Daughter A Congressional Seat?

Nita and HillaryDon't we all really hate nepotism and political dynasties? If we didn't before, the advent of the Trump family should have put that in everyone's minds. And that Liz Cheney thing in Congress! Yeccchh. The Clintons have been wanting Nita Lowey to retire so their daughter Chelsea could take her House seat (NY-17) in northern and western Westchester County and all of Rockland County.