
High Pagan Radicalism

Orientation Foundational polarities between paganism and monotheism What is the difference between a universe and a cosmos? Is the world eternal where something cannot come out of nothing or does the world have a beginning? What is primary, stasis or change? What might the difference between verbs and nouns have to do high paganism and […]
The post High Pagan Radicalism first appeared on Dissident Voice.

From Pagan Animism to Alienation

Orientation: the politics of the sacred The word “pagan” is one of those words that has been worked over by monotheists and secular rulers so that it has many meanings, mostly  negative. This has been the case except for the past fifty years when Neopaganism has made a comeback, thanks mostly to the women’s movement. […]
The post From Pagan Animism to Alienation first appeared on Dissident Voice.

What is Sociohistorical Neopaganism or Neopagan Marxism?

To understand what Neopagan Marxism is, we need to compare it to other sacred and secular systems in order to understand their similarities and differences. Most Marxists know next to nothing about Neopaganism, and they like it that way. However, the inverse is not necessarily true. The Neopagan movement in Yankeedom largely came out of […]

The Mythology, Ritual, and Art of Romantic Socialism

Introduction For the most part socialists and members of organized religion seem to be opposites. After all, didn’t Marx say religion was the opium of the people, the heart of a heartless world? But has it always been this way? Socialists in the 19th century had very different ideas about the importance of mythology, ritual, […]
The post The Mythology, Ritual, and Art of Romantic Socialism first appeared on Dissident Voice.

New Agers vs Neopagans: Can Either be Salvaged for Socialism? (Part II)

Is it possible or desirable for socialists to integrate pantheism into dialectical materialism? Can Wiccan covens be integrated into anarchist affinity groups? Can socialism improve itself by embracing celebratory Neopagan seasonal rituals? All this is possible if socialists could admit that being atheists has not been attractive, fun or inspiring in organizing the working class. […]