
Disagreement Between NATO’s Stoltenberg and America’s Biden, on Ukraine in NATO

Eric Zuesse On June 14th, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg repeatedly insisted upon facilitating Ukraine’s becoming a member-nation of that marketing organization for the weapons that are produced by U.S.-and-allied weapons-manufacturers, but America’s President Joe Biden made clear on June 17th that he will not allow softening the existing requirements in order to admit Ukraine […]

U.S. Empire will either lose Ukraine to Russia, or fail to win Taiwan from China — Or both.

Eric Zuesse As usual, the best analysis of U.S. foreign policies is by Alexander Mercouris at The Duran. It’s headlined “China war party vs. Russia war party” on June 17th, and it documents (since each source he’s referring to is saying what he is describing it as saying), that U.S. President Biden and his team […]

Understanding Victoria Nuland, Biden, Obama, & the Clintons

Eric Zuesse Neoconservatism is the UK/U.S. belief that the U.S./UK Government ought to control the world’s international relations and impose its “Western Values” upon any country they accuse of violating their values, and it goes beyond traditional imperialism by aiming to control all nations and not merely some nations (“our empire”): it aims for “hegemony,” […]

Why 100% of the Blame for Ukraine’s War Is Obama’s, and None Is Putin’s

Eric Zuesse This is in response to Caitlin Johnstone’s January 28th article, which alleged that not all of the blame for the war in Ukraine goes to Obama’s decisions, and which accused Russia of “warmongering” (and avoided using any such strong term of condemnation against America’s Government), “Why Don’t You Ever Criticize RUSSIA’S Warmongering??”: She […]

How America’s ‘Defense’ (aggression) Contractors Control America’s Government

Eric Zuesse Probably no corporation possesses a bigger share of control over America’s Government than does the one that sells more to the U.S. Government than does any other: Lockheed Martin. Actually, its top owners, or the group of stockholders who dominate the firm and cooperatively together control its policies and determine whom the corporation’s […]

Further Evidence that the U.S.-UK Deep State Is One Country, Not Two

Eric Zuesse Because there is so much evidence that the U.S. and UK have one actual Government, a single Deep State, that makes the major international-policy (war-and-peace) decisions, and that neither country’s public has authentic sovereignty over its allegedly ‘democratic’ Government, but, instead, all ‘citizens’ of both are actually subjects of this single behind-the-scenes secret […]