
Porkins Great Game episode 17 The Unquiet Frontier

The wait is over! Christoph and I are back for another jam packed episode of Porkins Great Game. We begin by discussing the new direction that we will be taking the show in. Christoph and I explain why we will be focusing less on Central Asia and the Caucuses, and more on the the “global rimland.” We then move onto a discussion of the influential book The Unquiet Frontier by A Wess Mitchell and Jakub Grygiel. We talk about who Mitchell and Gryiel are, their careers at the Center for European Policy Analysis, and their current positions with in the State Department.

The Ochelli Effect: Trump Foreign Policy MAGA

On a Tuesday where North Korea launches another alleged Cyber-attack , Train wrecks beyond the White House are actually happening , and Trump wants a letter from the Special Prosecutor saying he has done nothing wrong , we attempt to unmask the method behind the madness that appears to be the newest normal in American Foreign Policy. The Author of The War State , and the host of a truly unique information radio show seem to be our best guides. So we enter the magical land of , Trump Foreign Policy MAGA

Lest We Forget: ‘Independent’ Mueller is Part of Establishment That Helped Sell Iraq War

21st Century Wire says…
While the mainstream press can’t wait to find out (or get illegally leaked Grand Jury details) about the next target of ‘Russian Collusion’ investigator and special counsel Robert Mueller, lest we forget that back in February 2003 it was Mueller who helped W. Bush, Dick Cheney and the rest of the neocon establishment sell the Iraq War.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 101 The Russians Are Coming with JP Sottile and Robbie Martin

In the first hour I am joined by JP Sottile of News Vandal for an in-depth conversation on the growing scandal involving Donald Trump Jr. We begin by touching on the latest person to have been in the infamous meeting, Ike Kaveladze, and his connection to a 2000 Congressional investigation into Russian money laundering operations. JP and I go beyond the headlines and try to decipher what this meeting might have actually been about. We offer up a more straight forward narrative that this was a meeting about corruption and payoffs.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 92 100 Days of Trump with Robbie Martin

Frequent guest Robbie Martin joins us for an in-depth discussion of Trump, alt-right, Mike Cernovich and more. We begin by discussing Trump’s completion of the “magical” hundred days in office. Robbie and I talk about the media strategy that Trump and his team employed for these first hundred days in the White House. We look at how Trump has reversed positions on nearly all of his campaign promises and the timing of this coinciding with the end of the hundred days.

Why Has Donald Trump Abandoned the Foreign Policy That Won Him the Election?

21st Century Wire says…
President Trump is drifting further into Neoconservative land, and very soon there will be no turning back.
Although you wouldn’t know it from the US media blackout – the US has quietly deployed upwards of 4,000 combat troops in Syria – in total violation of both US and international law.