Outrageous Brainwashing Event—Sponsored By Bush Institute and CIA-Backed National Endowment for Democracy (NED)—Deliberately Falsifies History to Inflame American Hatred Against Russia and China

Head of International Republican Institute Dan Twining ridiculously compares Putin-Xi meeting to Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact between Hitler and Stalin, while former Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs accuses Russia of igniting protests in Chile Russia-bashing was in full vogue at a conference at the George W. Bush Institute in Dallas co-hosted by the National Endowment […]

When Did the CIA Start Pulling the Strings of Canada’s Political Policies?

What are Canadian warships doing in the ultra-sensitive South China Sea? News of Canadian patrol ships traveling through the South China Sea and being buzzed by Chinese warplanes a few weeks ago—pushing the world another chilling step closer to a World War III-level confrontation—has brought to light the unpublicized issue of Canadian government participation in […]

Documents Reveal US Gov’t Spent $22M Promoting Anti-Russia Narrative in Ukraine and Abroad

The National Endowment for Democracy can claim it is in the business of democracy promotion. In reality, it does anything but that, unless “democracy” is entirely synonymous with elite U.S. interests.
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Desmintiendo mitos sobre las elecciones en Nicaragua, atacadas por EEUU, la UE y la OEA

EEUU, la UE y la OEA están lanzando un nuevo intento de golpe de estado contra el gobierno sandinista de Nicaragua, negándose a reconocer sus elecciones de 2021. The Grayzone observó la votación y desmiente los mitos mediáticos que buscan desacreditar el proceso. (You can read this article in English here.) MANAGUA, NICARAGUA – Millones de nicaragüenses fueron a las urnas el 7 de noviembre de 2021, re-eligiendo por un amplio margen al Frente Sandinista y su Presidente Daniel Ortega. […]