
Reactions to the Proposed Syrian Withdrawal

Trump dropped a bombshell with his surprise order for a withdrawal of US troops from Syria, the draw-down of troops in Afghanistan, and the resignation of his Secretary of Defense.
But surprisingly, Trump’s view of the Syrian conflict closely resembles Obama’s, i.e., that the US had no serious interest, either economic or strategic, in the conflict.
Recall that Obama was often criticized by our Middle East allies for refusing to commit ground troops to the battle, authorizing only limited numbers of technical advisors, along with air support.

UK gov. funded ‘think tanks’ to smear Jeremy Corbyn and spread anti-Russian propaganda (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the shady and secretive UK propaganda outfits dubbed ‘The Integrity Initiative’ and ‘the Institute for Statecraft’, which have been working underground and out fo sight, to smear Jeremy Corbyn and spread anti-Russian, pro-war propaganda through an massive “network of networks” consisting of journalists, politicians and society influencers.

This is the neocon “hit list” of people in the Trump Administration that are targeted for removal

The neocons, in partnership with their neo-liberal left minions, have efficiently disposed of General Michael Flynn, and now three more Trump loyalists are marked for removal.
Here are the Trump White House team members that are next in line to be picked off by the neocon establishment, as the DC swamp rises up to consolidate its hold on the office of the US President.