
The Victory Day

In the final days of the World War II in Europe, the German command pursued a deliberate policy of successive partial capitulations in the West to bring as many as possible of the eastern military formations westwards and surrender them intact to the British and Americans. It was General Eisenhower how dashed German hopes for a separate peace with the West and facilitated the signing of the final instrument of surrender at the seat of government from where the German aggression sprang: Berlin, captured by the Red Army.

Nazi Ascendance Of Wilhelm Frick And Joseph Goebbels

 NAZI ASCENDANCE OF WILHELM FRICK AND JOSEPH GOEBBELS–FROM MUNICH PUTSCH- STORMING TO NURENBERG LAWS-1935. (RETURN OF THE REPRESSED)  – HISTORICAL LESSONS.-CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY- “Pictographic Depiction” of their Historical Ascendance to Nazi Strangulation” Following the NURENBURG Rally of Reichsparteitag ( REICH PARTY) was held in 1923 and what followed was imitation of Mussolini’s March in 1921 and seizure of power in[Read More...]

US Votes Against UN Resolution Condemning Nazis, Labels It “Russian Disinformation”

This is far from the first time the US has voted against similar resolutions; it has done so every year since 2014, dismissing them as Russian attempts to delegitimize the Ukrainian government.
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COVID-19 and the destruction of modern medicine: An interview with Vera Sharav, Part One

Comments by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News Vera Sharav was recently interviewed by Attorney Leah Wilson, the Executive Director of Stand for Health Freedom. Vera Sharav is the Founder and President of Alliance for Human Research Protection, and is a frequent guest contributor on Health Impact News. You can read many of her previous articles […]