the nature of conservatism

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahRemember the so-called Never Trumpers? They were a small handful of Republicans who feigned dissatisfaction and embarrassment about Trump back in 2016. Of course that looked like utter bullshit then and is now proven to be so. The Republican Party makes no bones about it. They are the Always Trump Party. Throwing it in our faces, they boldly and arrogantly showed it on national television at the Cohen hearings.

The Nature Of Conservatism Explains The Profound Corruption Of The Republican Party

Posted in a MAGA/GOP corner of Reddit yesterdayDon't bet on anything more coming out of this beyond what came out of the no-follow-through-kvetching we got from Flake, Sasse and Corker but on New Year's Day the Washington Post published an OpEd by Senator-elect Mitt Romney (R-UT) reminding readers that "Trump was not my choice for the Republican presidential nomination" and that "on balance, his conduct over the past two years, particularly his actions this

Bernie: Breaking The Cycle Of Mediocrity And Mendacity

As Jonathan Bernstein made clear in an OpEd yesterday for Bloomberg News, Americans have become inured to deceit and manipulation from our political class. And he wasn't even speaking about Trump. His piece was on Paul Ryan's farewell speech. Unlike many inside the Beltway, Bernstein has long recognized Ryan as a faker and a fraud.

Trump Lies. All His Associates Lie. The Whole Regime Lies. The Republican Party Is Now A Lie Machine

You know what’s become second nature to Americans now-- Trump’s lying. It’s no longer news when he lies. Just 16% of his public statement, according to PolitiFact, are either true or mostly true. He just lies all the time. And we didn’t need Robert Mueller’s Putin-Gate investigation--nor even the NY Times to tell us that.