the nature of conservatism

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahWhen you read tonight's meme, you will know why the president who hates everything that lives and breathes did everything he could to create safe passage for a pandemic. Not caring about others lies at the root of what it is to be a Republican. It's who they are and they are remarkably consistent. Trump's gutting of funds for anti-plague programs was just another illustration of his and their psychopathic contempt for others.

Now That Rep. Matt Shea Been Expelled From The Washington State GOP Caucus For Domestic Terrorism, Perhaps Trump Can Appoint Him To A Judgeship

No one in the Spokane area was surprised to read last week that one of their state legislators is a dangerous fascist freak who wants to overthrown the government. DWT has been covering Matt Shea for years, though mostly noting that if you were to sctach the surface of most Republicans these days, Matt Shea is what you would find.

The Republican Ad Setting AOC On Fire-- Who Financed It?

If you watched the Democratic presidential debate on ABC last week, you probably saw the disgusting 30 second ad above. It was run by Elizabeth Heng, a 2018 Republican congressional candidate in California's Central Valley. The ABC-TV affiliate in Fresno explained the controversy for anyone who missed the debate or ad. ABC30 reporter Nathalie Granda:

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah"Republican Lawmaker" is the new "Florida Man." it's two words that, well, you just cringe when you see them together. It's always a "Jeez, what now?" moment. For years we've seen headlines like "Florida Man Shocked When Pet 20-Foot Python Eats Daughter" or some such thing. Or, how about trying on "Florida Man Claims He Only Drank At Stoplights, But Not While Driving" for laughs?

Prayer Without Works Is A Dead Thing.

There seem to be so many Republican members of Congress announcing that they're not running next year-- and some in districts that Democrats can win. Yesterday Kenny Marchant, a conservative Republican who represents a district north of Dallas, said he's had enough. He's the 4th Republican from Texas to tell the NRCC that he's not running again.

Democrats And Republicans Are Intensely Polarized-- And The Injection Of Fascism Into The GOP Seems to Be Making It Impossible For the Country To Stay Together

Conservative Republican Max Boot is having a midlife crisis in real time and in full public view: Conservatism Has Become A Racket And Trump Is The Grifter In Chief. "You can debate when the conservative movement became a racket-- I nominate 1996, the year Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes created Fox News Channel to monetize right-wing outrage-- but there is no doubt it has long since passed that point," he wrote.

Conservatives Are Afraid Of People Speaking Other Languages

1969- somehow we wound up as guests at a wedding, somewhere in Morocco. I'm the nerd with the big stoned smile and the embroidery on my pants cuffsSo there I was-- 1969, Hippie Trail, headed for India in my VW van. We were in eastern Turkey getting read to cross the border into Iran the next day. We were: me, the only American on board, a French guy, two Danes and a German.