Aleksandar Vučić was “offended” by Erdoğan?

Turkey before and during the time of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has tried to conduct active diplomacy in virtually all aspects of its geography, where the Balkans retain a high relevance. This direction of Turkish foreign policy is determined by several factors: geographical proximity; the history of Ottoman rule; the course of European integration; NATO membership; […]

Turkey vs NATO: It isn’t just Tit for Tat

Most western political analysts believed that Erdoğan’s opposition to Sweden’s NATO membership was only a ploy to garner political and electoral support at home to ensure his victory in the May 2023 presidential elections. However, even after winning the elections, the Erdoğan administration’s position on Sweden’s membership has not changed. The latest incident of the […]

‘NATO’ is the Nazi Alliance Treaty Organization.

Eric Zuesse (blogs at Here’s how that happened: When Truman met Stalin at the Potsdam Conference (17 July 1945 to 2 August 1945) where the post-WW-II future would be decided, Churchill immediately tried to persuade Truman that the U.S. must commence and lead the world in a cold war to end communism, but Truman […]

An Accident Waiting to Happen: NATO Looks to Asia

Since the end of the Cold War, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation has distinctly strayed from its original purpose.  It has become, almost shamelessly, the vessel and handmaiden of US power, while its burgeoning expansion eastwards has done wonders to upend the applecart of stability. From that upending, the alliance started bungling.  It engaged, without […]

What does Sweden have to do with whether or not Turkey will be accepted to the EU?

Political statements made before and after elections frequently diverge drastically. To a casual observer, it may appear that we are not discussing the same country. This is not even a matter of internal politics, where candidates lavishly spread slogans like “power to the people,” “only the people are masters of the state’s fate,” “corruption is […]

CNN and US Government Pushing the Envelope – Obsolete F16s or F/A-18 Hornets won’t make an “Iota of Difference” in Ukraine!

“Only if” is the key phrase in what Ukraine is asking for next, in terms of planes, tanks, you name it – in spite of the cruel reality that they are far behind on the “technological treadmill” and technology transfer. The latest hand me down, often obsolete military hardware will not make an “iota of […]

My Reply to Professor Karaganov’s Proposal For Russia to Launch WW III

Eric Zuesse On June 27th, an advisor to Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, Professor Sergei A. Karaganov, of Russia’s National Research University Higher School of Economics, headlined at Russia’s RT News, “Here’s why Russia has to consider launching a nuclear strike on Western Europe” and argued that the time now has come for Russia to consider […]

A YouTube, That Keeps Being Blocked, About Who Controls U.S. & UK

Eric Zuesse (blogs at It was done in 2017, and is about how in extreme-capitalist or “fascist” countries such as UK and U.S., where the megacorporations that sell only to governments — corporations  such as BAE and Lockheed Martin — bribe their way to enormous growth, ONLY the very wealthiest, who control those corporations […]