National security

Elizabeth Warren and the Military Industrial Complex

WASHINGTON —  Senator Elizabeth Warren is making strides to characterize her foreign policy vision as a progressive one after she announced she’d be forming an exploratory committee for a presidential run. But her record on the issues and her associations with war hawks contrasts sharply with her liberal rhetoric.
One executive of a defense firm said the perception in the industry is that Warren is not “adversarial” to them.

Permanent War for Permanent Peace: The Global Alliance for Evil

The global alliance for evil is the system that’s behind the current reality, which some call “permanent war for permanent peace,” and others call “perpetual war for perpetual peace,” but it’s the same thing no matter what it’s called: the ‘national security’ system that exists today, and that was accurately foreseen (and dramatically embellished) in George Orwell’s allegorical novel, 1984. What it is, in reality, is the coerced taking from the public so as to further enrich the aristocracy.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 129 Kevin Gosztola on the Reality Winner Case

Journalist Kevin Gosztola of Shadow Proof joins me for an in depth discussion of the Reality Winner whistleblowing case. We begin by recapping the case itself and who Reality Winner is. Kevin talks about Winner’s career in the Air Force and later with the NSA as a contractor. We talk about what Winner is accuses of doing: leaking a classified report on Russian hacking of voter software to The Intercept. Kevin touches on The Intercept’s sloppy handling of Winner’s information, and how this contributed to her ultimate arrest.