National Geographic

If you owned Manhattan island and were, er, persuaded to trade it away, what would you hope to get in return?

So these are the Banda Islands of modern-day Indonesia. You can see Run all the way over there on the left."In the 17th century, nutmeg was considered precious -- it grew only on the Banda Islands in the East Indies and was thought to protect against plague. With the Treaty of Breda, which ended the Second Anglo-Dutch War, the Dutch (who had prevailed militarily) secured a worldwide monopoly on nutmeg by forcing England to give up Run, the most remote of the Banda Islands.

Time again to test our geographic mettle with those fiends from National Geographic (Zombies? Zombies??? Gimme a break!)

Zombies, eh?by KenWe haven't done this in a while, and when I saw the new issue of National Geographic in the mailbox this evening when I got home from today's urban gadding (first a visit to NYC Transit's Bergen Sign Shop out in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, then a Historic Districts Council walk up in Harlem and even farther up in Mott Haven, the Bronx, focusing on three still-in-use Carnegie-paid-for public libraries, with a drive-by of a third on the bus en route to the Bro

Who's up for a jography quiz? Plus Garrison Keillor's "personal geography" of "home"

The cover story of the February 2014 NationalGeographic is "The New Science of the Brain."by KenI don't know how long National Geographic was including a monthly geography quiz on the mailing insert that includes the subscriber's address on subscription copies before I noticed it. But however long it was, it spared me that many months' or more likely years' worth of humiliation.

Shanty Town USA — When We Finally Agree Capitalism is About Being Poor

It’s that Ebeneezer and Grinch time of year. Hooverville. The great American fat crocodile tear with stories of legless troops getting a bag of groceries and free big screen TV and compact car. All those bags under our collective eyes watching brute felon sports professionals (sic) run by their brutish Mafiosa coaches and owners. We are ready for that extra 15 pounds, those romps in those wonderlands of Consumopithecus Anthropocene union-busting box stores, those nanoseconds looking at the homeless, pennies for their crimes. We will feel good about Tis the Season.