National Endowment for Democracy (NED)

Deconstructing Marianna in Conspiracyland – Part 6

Iain Davis The introduction and Parts 1, 2, 3 , 4, and Part 5 have established that Marianna Spring in Conspiracyland spreads disinformation. Marianna Spring has persistently misattributed a range of beliefs and values to the people she labels conspiracy theorists. She has falsely claimed that a conspiracy theory movement exists and has deceived her audience throughout Cosnpiracyland. The narratives she has presented to her BBC audience are …

Destabilization, Inc.

Once during the Q&A session of a lecture, Noam Chomsky was asked when it was okay to trust one’s own government. Without a moment’s hesitation, he replied that you could and should never trust one’s government. Never. At the time, I thought perhaps the great dissident had for once overstated the case. But the more one learns about the intrigues of Washington, the more apt his radical precept seems.

Western Democracy Crusaders are Foes of Democracy

One of Castro’s closest comrades, the Argentine-born guerilla Che Guevara, had been in Guatemala in 1954 and witnessed the coup against Arbenz.  Later he told Castro why it succeeded. He said Arbenz had foolishly tolerated an open society, which the CIA penetrated and subverted, and also preserved the existing army, which the CIA turned into its instrument.  Castro agreed that a revolutionary regime in Cuba must avoid those mistakes. Upon taking power, he cracked down on dissent and purged the army.

The Pain in Ukraine

So Russia has moved to secure Crimea, where its prized Black Sea fleet resides. No surprise there, although Secretary of State John Kerry, the lantern-jawed buffoon that President Obama trots out to justify the indefensible, comically affected indignant outrage and declared Russian behavior to be, “an incredible act of aggression.” Yet neither the swift Russian reply, nor any of the other events in this latest deposing of a democratically-elected leader come as much of a surprise.