Narco News

Mayan Jaguar: US-Sponsored Drug-Plane Operation Had Global Reach

Aircraft Linked to “Mayan Jaguar” Flew Tons of Cocaine into Africa — Gateway to the European Market
US government intelligence agencies, in particular, the CIA, often have been accused of complicity in the drug trade, but public officials and the mainstream media just as quickly dismiss the allegations as whacky conspiracy theories — often with just cause.

NarcoNews-Was “Mayan Jaguar” a Corrupt Undercover Op or a CIA Cover?

ICE Investigation Targeting Drug Planes Plagued by Scandal, Court Records Show
An Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) undercover operation involving the sale and tracking of aircraft to drug organizations played out for nearly four years in Latin America, likely allowing tons of narcotics to be flown into the US, yet it failed to result in a single prosecution in the United States, according to federal court pleadings recently discovered by Narco News.

NarcoNews: Assassinated DEA Agent Kiki Camarena Fell in a CIA Operation Gone Awry

He Was Killed, They Say, Because “He Knew Too Much” About Official Corruption in the Drug War
By Bill Conroy
DEA agent Enrique “Kiki” Camarena was abducted in early February 1985 shortly after leaving the US consulate in Guadalajara, Mexico. His body was found several weeks later, partially decomposed, wrapped in a plastic death shroud and buried in a shallow grave some 70 miles north of the Mexican city.

NarcoNews: Former ICE Informant Sues US Prosecutors, Federal Agents

Litigation Claims US Officials Conspired to Silence the Informant & Cover-up Their Role in the House of Death Murders
By Bill Conroy-NarcoNews
A former US government informant who penetrated one of the most ruthless drug organizations in Mexico has filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit against a group of federal prosecutors and agents as well as several county sheriffs and detention-facility officials alleging they acted in a conspiracy to violate his civil rights.