
Trump’s Mental Health-- What is Narcissistic Personality Disorder? What is a Sociopath?

-by Helen KleinMuch has been said about Trump’s mental health, particularly of late. Indeed, his continuation of astonishing tweets and comments gives cause for alarm. The bells are ringing loudly! Unlike some earlier assurances that were made, Trump has not become “more presidential” as this election season has unfolded. Frighteningly, he has become increasingly and astoundingly less so.

Trump's One-Note Campaign: Ladies And Gentlemen, It's All About Meeeeeeeee

The psychological aspects of this campaign are fascinating, but they certainly seem to be effective on the highly uneducated so appreciated and targeted by Trump. This is a candidacy all about projection. His jihad against Hillary Clinton's e-mail scandal is something he knows something about-- not about her being guilty of destroying e-mails, but about he doing exactly that a decade ago.

How Badly Does Carly Fiorina, The Pundits' Pick For GOP Nominee, Suffer From Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

We've all had a friend like Carly Fiorina once in our lives. Once is enough, though. Oddly enough, just 1% of Americans are afflicted with narcissistic personality disorder-- so that makes two 1% problems for Fiorina. The illness describes a condition in which a person is excessively preoccupied with power, prestige and vanity and-- worst of all-- is utterly incapable of empathy or of even recognizing the damage they cause around them.

LIONEL PODCAST: The Addictive Spotlight of Narcissistic Suffering

When it comes to over-the-top feigned public suffering, nobody beats the North Koreans. Who admittedly do so at gunpoint. Well, at last, I admit they do . . . but the point shouldn’t go missed. So magnetic and warm and inviting is the gravitational pull of social media that anything that is “Awwwww” inspiring or “You poor thing” generating is prime for social media exploitation. Self-aggrandizement and self-reference.