
Doing This During the Day may up Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

If you’re often sleepy during the day and frequently take a long afternoon snooze, you’re more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes, researchers from the University of Tokyo report.
Researchers presented their findings on September 18 at the 51st Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes currently taking place in Stockholm, Sweden.

Love Napping? It Could Actually Improve Memory Fivefold, Study Says

If there is one thing everyone loves in this hectic society we’ve created for ourselves, it’s a nice nap. But like drinking coffee or a glass of wine, some people feel guilty indulging in an afternoon slumber. But the good news is that napping can actually have numerous positive effects on the mind and body – with one recent study suggesting that taking a nap can improve memory fivefold.