Naomi Klein

The Devil Fossil Fuel Industry Has Us By the Short-hairs (and what are we going to do about it?)

A simple documentary premiere, in a small town north of Vancouver, WA, on the Columbia, a town called Kalama, near Longview, where millions of stripped logs from the Pacific Northwest’s forests are stacked 20 stories high, waiting for markets (sic) in Asia to be turned into lumber and cardboard and stuffing and paper and snot sheets for the U S of A.

Inventing the Right’s ‘Metanarrative’

For decades, the Koch Brothers have funded a massive propaganda operation to disparage what democracy can do when a society pulls together and to glorify a “greed is good” narrative promising great benefits if capitalism reigns free. But the results have been good only for a privileged few, as Michael Winship describes. By Michael Winship…

Were The Climate Change Talks In Paris A Complete Failure?

This week, L.A. area Congressman Ted Lieu organized 45 other Members of Congress to sign identical letters to the CEOs of ExxonMobil, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, British Petroleum, Shell and Peabody Energy, which they sent off yesterday. (At the link above you can see who signed the letter-- and who didn't.) Lieu's letter comes right to the point:

Stratégie du choc : Hollande veut prolonger l’état d’urgence et modifier la constitution !

Dans la Stratégie du choc, Naomi Klein, s’appuyant sur plusieurs recherches documentaires, soutient que, les désastres qui conduisent à des chocs psychologiques, permettent aux chantres du capitalisme d’appliquer la doctrine de l’école de Chicago dont Milton Friedman est l’un des représentants les plus connus.

Where’s the Missing Part, Naomi Klein?

The latest book by Naomi Klein is essentially a call to share the world’s resources, but its thesis on social transformation is missing a crucial factor: a profound awareness of the reality of hunger and life-threatening deprivation. While Pope Francis’ recent encyclical calls on us to prioritise this global emergency in our efforts to combat global warming, Mohammed Mesbahi proposes a people’s strategy for how we can finally end the moral outrage of extreme poverty amidst plenty.

Did You Fall For The CIA's Fake Letter To The Jews Of Donetsk?

I'm not sure if my friend Adam is still addicted to drugs but I do know he's still addicted to the drug addicts on Hate Talk Radio who get all hopped up on coke or speed and just let it rip. Adam took it on himself last week to spread the latest set of meticuloulsy-crafted right-wing propaganda about the woeful fate of the Jews of Donetsk in eastern Ukraine. He cited the now debunked USAToday fantasy by Oren Dorell, a shady Beltway journalist.