Naomi Klein

America-- And The Democratic Party-- Needed Bernie To Stay In The Race

This is a must-watch video, a discussion between Mehdi Hasan and Naomi Klein. They don't get to Bernie staying in the race 'til near the end but the whole half hour is a worthwhile way to spend some time. As for Bernie staying in the race, I very much agree with Naomi Klein and with Alan Minsky, the Executive Director of Progressive Democrats of America who penned this guest post a day before Bernie decided to drop out. I hope you agree as well-- and agree enough to contribute to congressional candidates who are running on Bernie's issues, even if it's just five or two dollars.

Is It Too Much To Expect A Presidential Candidate To Be Not Just Better Than The Other Monstrosity But Also To Be Someone With The Makings Of Greatness?

Yesterday, under intense pressure, Señor Trumpanzee did a 180-- going from insisting the pandemic was a "hoax" perpetrated against him so he would lose his reelection bid, to declaring a national emergency because of it.As Susan Glasser asserted in the New Yorker this week,

At Some Point-- Very Soon-- It Will Be Too Late To Save Venice From The Climate Crisis, But The Right-Wing Parties There Don't Give More Than Trump Does

I used to live in Innsbruck, Austria. I was stuck there because of a medical condition. It was the most boring place I ever lived. I used to escape when I could to Munich (a 2 hour drive) and when I was up for a longer drive, to Venice (4 hours). Munich had a great art scene. Venice is a great art scene. I grew to love the city even if I wasn't the biggest fans of an 8 to 8 and a half hour round trip drive. I was horrified on Thursday when I hear that the flooding in St Marks Square was thigh deep. I can remember when planks had to be laid across it, the flooding being ankle high.

Book review. The Uninhabitable Earth: A Story of the Future by David Wallace-Wells

Book review. The Uninhabitable Earth: A Story of the Future by David Wallace-Wells
by Ian Sinclair
Morning Star
28 February 2019

Clearly intended to shock, last month the Guardian published a report titled Climate Risks ‘Similar To 2008 Financial Crash’.
The problem with this formulation, to partially quote the soon to be iconic first sentence of The Uninhabitable Earth, is that “it is worse, much worse” than this.

With Enormous Harvey Damage, Naomi Klein Warns Against ‘Disaster Capitalism’ Redux

Hurricane Harvey shelter (AP PHOTO)
As millions of Houston residents faced life-threatening flooding on Monday with the saturated remnants of Hurricane Harvey expected to bring even more heavy rains in the days ahead, journalist Naomi Klein warned against the notion, already being pushed by some on the right, that the disaster shouldn’t be “politicized.”