Nancy Reagan

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahWhen you read tonight's meme, you will know why the president who hates everything that lives and breathes did everything he could to create safe passage for a pandemic. Not caring about others lies at the root of what it is to be a Republican. It's who they are and they are remarkably consistent. Trump's gutting of funds for anti-plague programs was just another illustration of his and their psychopathic contempt for others.

Maybe the best reason to spread word of Nancy Reagan's first home is that she doesn't seem to like people knowing

Justin's caption: "Though this modest 2-story frame house with yellow siding at 149-14 Roosevelt Avenue, between 149th Street and 149th Place, remains unmarked by a plaque or medallion of any kind, this is the home where former First Lady Nancy Reagan spent the first two years of her life."by KenThe other day I promised to return to what sounds like a fairly routine question: Where was Nancy Re

It would be nice if potential Scott Walker supporters at least KNEW that he lies compulsively to promote himself and his diseased ideology

Odds are that when you look up "pathological liar" in the dictionary, Scott Walker will be lying in the picture of him you find KenThe other day I mentioned in passing that I'm less concerned than I once was with whether a particular right-winger lies so much because the person really has some kind of fundamental brain dysfunction or because the person is simply a habitual liar. My point was that, practically speaking, does it matter?

James Brady (1940-2014)

Sign a remembrance card on the BradyCampaign to Prevent Gun Violence website"I come before you today as not just another pretty face, but out of sheer talent."-- Jim Brady, to a press corps aware that First Lady-to-beNancy Reagan had wanted a Ken doll as press secretary"Neurosurgeon Arthur I. Kobrine later recalled telling the president's personal physician about Mr. Brady: 'It's a terrible injury.