Naftali Bennett

Syrie : SitRep 106 avec Ayssar Midani (22 juin 2021)

Syrie : SitRep 106 avec Ayssar Midani (22 juin 2021). Au programme : – Rencontre Poutine / Biden – Élection du nouveau premier ministre israélien Naftali Bennett – Élection du nouveau président iranien Ebrahim Raïssi – Congrès pour la mise en œuvre de la réforme administrative en Syrie – Feuilleton « Ça c’est ma patrie » diffusé en Syrie Sources […]

‘Putting Lipstick on a Pig’: Why Washington is Fawning over Israel’s New Government

When former US President Barack Obama used an old cliché to denigrate his political opponent, the late US Senator, John McCain, he triggered a political controversy lasting several days. “You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig,” Obama said at a campaign event in 2008. The maxim indicates that superficial changes have no bearings on outcomes[Read More...]

Bennett’s Fragile Hookup with the Zionist Left Offers Little Promise for a Post-Apartheid Israel

On the racist reality of Israeli politics, the absurdity of calling any Zionist party “Left,” and why the so-called Zionist Left could join a coalition government headed by Naftali Bennett: their differences are inconsequential.
The post Bennett’s Fragile Hookup with the Zionist Left Offers Little Promise for a Post-Apartheid Israel appeared first on MintPress News.

If Bibi Was the Frying Pan, Is Bennett the Fire? What To Expect from Israel’s New PM

“It's not like [Israel is] replacing Netanyahu with a person who believes in equality for all, who believes in freedom for all, who believes in human rights for all. They’re replacing Netanyahu with an ultra-nationalist who is going to put forward his ultra-nationalist agenda.” - Diana Buttu, former PLO spokesperson

New Israeli Government, Same Israeli Apartheid 

After 12 years, Israel finally inaugurated a new prime minister. While being hailed by many as the opportunity for a fresh start, Naftali Bennett is at best a continuer of Netanyahu’s policies and at worst an ideologue whose positions are to the right of Netanyahu’s. In 2013, as Middle East peace talks were set to resume after a five-year freeze,[Read More...]

New Israeli Government, Same Israeli Apartheid

After 12 years, Israel finally inaugurated a new prime minister. While being hailed by many as the opportunity for a fresh start, Naftali Bennett is at best a continuer of Netanyahu’s policies and at worst an ideologue whose positions are to the right of Netanyahu’s. In 2013, as Middle East peace talks were set to […]
The post New Israeli Government, Same Israeli Apartheid first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Israel’s New Government Will Deepen Rifts, not Heal Them

The photo was unprecedented. It showed Mansour Abbas, leader of an Islamist party for Palestinians in Israel, signing an agreement on Wednesday night to sit in a “government of change” alongside settler leader Naftali Bennett. Caretaker Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will fervently try to find a way to break up the coalition in the next few […]

Netanyahu’s Days May Be Numbered, but a Cadre of Far-Right Fanatics Wait in the Wings

While every society has had to deal with its own right-wing fanatics, Israel has provided them with a platform, funding, and weapons of mass destruction, sending them skyrocketing to the highest echelons of power.
The post Netanyahu’s Days May Be Numbered, but a Cadre of Far-Right Fanatics Wait in the Wings appeared first on MintPress News.

Israeli Defense Minister’s Resignation not a “Victory” for Gaza but a Warning that the Worst is to Come

TEL AVIV, ISRAEL – A wave of instability now threatens Israel’s government following the sudden resignation of Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman on Wednesday. Lieberman announced that he was resigning in protest of a recently brokered ceasefire between Israel and Palestinian resistance movement Hamas, which has governed the Gaza Strip since winning elections in 2007. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will serve as interim Defense Minister until an official replacement is appointed. Netanyahu also currently serves as Israel’s Foreign Minister and Health Minister.