Naftali Bennett

Why Resistance Matters: Palestinians are Challenging Israel’s Unilateralism, Dominance

Until recently, Israeli politics did not matter to Palestinians. Though the Palestinian people maintained their political agency under the most demoralizing conditions, their collective action rarely influenced outcomes in Israel, partly due to the massive discrepancy of power between the two sides. Now that Israelis are embarking on their fifth election in less than four […]

Worsening Chaos: Israel’s Political Instability is Now the Norm

The collapse of the short-lived Israeli government of Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid validates the argument that the political crisis in Israel was not entirely instigated and sustained by former Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. Bennett’s coalition government consisted of eight parties, welding together arguably one of the oddest coalitions in the tumultuous history of […]

Worsening Chaos: Israel’s Political Instability is Now the Norm

Even if a purportedly centrist or even leftist prime minister finds himself at the helm of the government, outcomes will not change when the Knesset - in fact, most of the country - is governed by a militaristic, chauvinistic, and colonial mindset.
The post Worsening Chaos: Israel’s Political Instability is Now the Norm appeared first on MintPress News.

Myths and Facts about the Israeli Siege on Gaza

15 years have passed since Israel imposed a total siege on the Gaza Strip, subjecting nearly two million Palestinians to one of the longest and most cruel politically-motivated blockades in history. The Israeli government had then justified its siege as the only way to protect Israel from Palestinian “terrorism and rocket attacks”. This remains the […]
The post Myths and Facts about the Israeli Siege on Gaza first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Will Netanyahu return to lead Israel again?

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator Israel is heading toward its fifth election in less than four years, as the Bennett-Lapid consensus ends in the Knesset. Prime Minister, Naftali Bennett’s Yamina Party was weakened by significant defections recently between Bennett’s right-wing allies and Arab members of the coalition, which rendered the to a government a […]

Armed Jewish extremists may ignite a regional war

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator Yesterday, thousands of Israelis have pushed through the Muslim quarter of the Old City in Jerusalem in a Flag March, marking its occupation by Israel in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. The march was organized by Jewish settler groups who demanded to perform religious rites in the Al Aqsa Mosque, […]

Constantly on the Verge of Collapse: How Palestinians Became a Factor in Israeli Politics

Israel’s coalition government of right-wing Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is on the verge of collapse, which is unsurprising. Israeli politics, after all, is among the most fractious in the world, and this particular coalition was born out of the obsessive desire to dethrone Israel’s former leader, Benjamin Netanyahu. While Netanyahu was successfully ousted in June 2021, Bennett’s coalition has been left to[Read More...]

Constantly on the Verge of Collapse: How Palestinians Became a Factor in Israeli Politics

Israel’s coalition government of right-wing Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is on the verge of collapse, which is unsurprising. Israeli politics, after all, is among the most fractious in the world, and this particular coalition was born out of the obsessive desire to dethrone Israel’s former leader, Benjamin Netanyahu. While Netanyahu was successfully ousted in June 2021, […]

Is Palestinian Resistance Leading To The Israeli Government’s Collapse?

Although Israel’s ruling coalition, led by Premier Naftali Bennett, has managed to cling on to power, for now, his government is proving too weak and ineffective to sustain itself long term. In the midst of this political crisis in Israeli politics is the more obvious crisis in the eyes of the international community, the oppression Read More...

Bennett Must Tread Carefully: The ‘Sword of Jerusalem’ Could Be Unleashed Again

Starting on April 15, the Israeli occupation army and police raided Al-Aqsa Mosque in Occupied East Jerusalem on a daily basis. Under the pretence of providing protection to provocative ‘visits’ by thousands of illegal Israeli Jewish settlers and right-wing fanatics, the Israeli army has wounded hundreds of Palestinians, including journalists, and arrested hundreds more. Palestinians […]