Mexico on the Eve of AMLO: “So Far from God and So Close to the United States”

The full quote by Porfirio Díaz is: “Poor Mexico, so far from God and so close to the United States.” Mexican President Díaz (1876-1880 and 1884-1911) got it at least half right. Mexico has suffered in the shadow of the Colossus of the North, but Mexico is not poor. Mexico is rich in many ways, yet it also has been impoverished. And Mexico has been greatly underappreciated by North Americans.

Mexico on the Eve of AMLO – “So Far from God and So Close to the United States”

The full quote by Porfirio Díaz is: “Poor Mexico, so far from God and so close to the United States.” Mexican President Díaz (1876-1880 and 1884-1911) got it at least half right. Mexico has suffered in the shadow of the Colossus of the North, but Mexico is not poor. Mexico is rich in many ways, yet it also has been impoverished. And Mexico has been greatly underappreciated by North Americans.

Warnings Mount That Trump’s NAFTA 2.0 is Just Another ‘Corporate Giveaway’

Environmentalists on Monday slammed President Donald Trump’s replacement for the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), with Food & Water Watch executive director Wenonah Hauter warning that it “would enshrine and globalize Trump’s deregulatory zealotry into a trade pact that would outlast the administration and imperil future efforts to protect consumers, workers, and the environment.”

Monkey Makes His Move On Trade-- Another Bad Deal

I found it condescending-- and, honestly, kind of offensive-- that right after the president of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto, referred to Señor Trumpanzee as "President Trump," Señor T called him "Enrique." And then there was the way Trump smirked like a drooling moron when Peña Nieto referred to the trade agreement as "NAFTA." Anyway, watch the idiot in action; it's worthwhile and will give you a real window into his tiny ADT-mind. Everything about Trump is greasy and, beyond that, always grotesquely self-serving. "My farmers"...