
Harvard Tells Us Young Americans are Increasingly Hopeful . . . Really?

Given my experience with young people’s hopelessness, I was skeptical of a Harvard Kennedy School spring 2021 poll of 18-to-29 year olds that declared “hope for America among young people is rising dramatically.” Harvard’s #1 top finding is: “In the fall of 2017, only 31% of young Americans said they were hopeful about the future […]

The Trump Swamp Rears Its Ugly Head Again-- Elliott Broidy

I believe the first time I heard of Elliott Broidy was when the NY Times revealed him to be working with a very right-wing shady Mercer family SuperPAC, Secure America Now (SAN), which Broidy was using to leverage the Trump regime into filling key positions with individuals favorable to-- meaning, like Broidy himself, bought off by-- the Saudi and UAE governments. Mercer was one of just 4 uber-wealthy far-right and very crooked contributors providing SAN with the millions of dollars it needed for its entirely nefarious projects.

Hillary Was The Worst Choice The Democrats Could Have Run-- And She's Not Done Yet

by Nancy OhanianDan Merica's CNN report yesterday-- New Clinton book blasts Sanders for 'lasting damage' in 2016 race, castng Bernie "as an unrealistic over-promiser." Merica wrote that in the book being released next week Clinton claims Bernie's "attacks against her during the primary caused 'lasting damage'

Fred Upton And Richard Nixon Never Served In Congress Together, But...

There is no better example in Congress of America's descent into plutocracy than southwest Michigan's 15-term Republican incumbent, Fred Upton. He was born into one of the state's wealthiest families and he has served the interests of his class-- and exclusively those interests-- since first getting into Congress in the 1980s. Blue America is supporting Paul Clements to replace Upton and his new TV ad (above) delineates the Upton policies to this day that have marked him as the servant of plutocracy.

McCarthyism and Anti-Naderism: There Are Alternatives to TINA

There actually are people who want to have all the power and wealth in their own hands, and so it is in their interest to make the rest of us believe we have no power, no choice. Margaret Thatcher, British Prime Minister in the 1980s, had the perfect phrase for it, “TINA — There Is No Alternative.” That is what they would love us to believe.