
Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Are Breeding in Brazil, Despite Assurances that it Could Never Happen

The long-range outcome of any genetic modification to plants or animals cannot be known with certainty and the inevitable surprises have the potential to destroy entire species - even all life, itself. What fools these scientists are. Have humans lost their species instinct for survival?

The Next Million Zillion Years – Charles Galton Darwin’s Genocide Plan – Jay Dyer (Partial)

CORRECTION: My copy of the book lists his birthdate as 1887 and I mistakenly thought this was the publication date. The publication date is 1952 – my mistake.  This is the first free portion of my analysis of the book, while the full lecture will be available the following day for subscribers to at the PayPal and Patreon links. Highlighting both the absurdity and the danger of the globalists and their genocidal plans, we examine another prophetic book from the bad guys – Charles Galton Darwin’s The Next Million Years.

Why Does the Father of Mass Vaccinations Jonas Salk Want to Kill Everyone? (Partial)

Full talk and analysis of Salk’s book The Survival of the Wisest, 1972, is available at by subscription at the PayPal links. The father of mass inoculations suspiciously also wants to engineer death and mass depopulation through various means, including mass cancer and RNA manipulation. Salk describes his Darwinism as a death cult.
Stream or Download Audio Here.

U.K. Doctors Granted License to Create 3-Parent GM Babies

Doctors in the U.K. have been given the first-ever license to create “three-parent babies,” with the controversial IVF treatment taking place as early as later this year. [1]
The license was granted by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) to a team who pioneered the mitochondrial pronuclear transfer technique at the University of Newcastle.

How Fleas are Becoming Chemical-Resistant Mutants

If you think fleas are annoying now, hold onto your collars; experts are warning that the little nuisances are becoming resistant to the popular flea control products that pet owners turn to in order to keep their little buddies itch-free.
Veterinarians are telling pet owners that flea treatments like Advantage and Frontline are a waste of money because they’re no longer effective at getting rid of fleas and keeping them away. The bugs have mutated in order to survive, it seems. [1]