Muslim registry

Obama Dismantles NSEERS Travel Registry To Thwart Trump’s Anti-Muslim Plans

Demonstrators rally to show support for Muslim members of their community near the Clear Lake Islamic Center in Webster, Texas on Friday, Dec. 4, 2015. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama has dismantled an inactive anti-terrorism program in an apparent attempt to block the incoming administration from using it against Muslim immigrants and travelers in the United States.

Trump Uses Attacks To Justify Counter-Productive Anti-Muslim Policies

Enas Almadhwahi, an immigration outreach organizer for the Arab American Association of New York, stands for a photo along Fifth Avenue in the Bay Ridge neighborhood of Brooklyn, Friday, Nov. 11, 2016, in New York. American Muslims are reeling over Donald Trump’s victory, wondering what the next four years will bring after a campaign in which he proposed creating a national database of Muslims, monitoring all mosques and banning some or all Muslims from entering the country.