Muslim immigration

Pär Öberg & Simon Lindberg - Party Platform of the Nordic Resistance Movement - Hour 1

Pär Öberg is Chief of the Parliamentary branch of the Nordic Resistance Movement and is a city council member in Ludvika, a small town in Sweden. He is also the spokesman of the organization in Swedish media and one of three permanent hosts of Radio Nordfront. Simon Lindberg is 33 years old and has been involved with nationalism since his early teens. A father of three, Simon has been the leader of The Nordic Resistance Movement for over a year.

Carl Lundström - Business of Nationalism: Concern for Sweden & Origins of The Pirate Bay - Hour 1

Businessman Carl Lundström is the grandson of Karl Edvard Lundström, founder of the world's largest crisp bread producer Wasabröd. Carl has founded and financed a number of companies, notably Swedish telecom, internet and co-location provider Rix Telecom. He also financially helped the torrent site The Pirate Bay getting started, something he was prosecuted for years later. In addition, he has been involved with various Nationalist organizations in Sweden.
A video version of this interview is available in the members' section.

Dr. Bill Warner - The True History of Muslim Conquests - Hour 1

Bill Warner holds a PhD in physics and math, NC State University, 1968. He has been a university professor, businessman, and applied physicist. Dr. Warner founded the Center for the Study of Political Islam (CSPI) and is its director. He has produced a dozen books, including a Koran, a biography of Mohammed and a summary of the political traditions of Mohammed. He also developed the first self-study course on Political Islam. He has given talks nationally and internationally about Islamic political doctrine.

Roger Devlin - Islamic Spain: A Multicultural Lie & Trump Reboots American Politics - Hour 1

F. Roger Devlin, Ph.D. is an independent scholar. He is the author of Alexandre Kojeve and the Outcome of Modern Thought, Sexual Utopia in Power, and many essays and reviews in such publications as The Occidental Quarterly, American Renaissance, Counter-Currents, VDare, Modern Age, The Social Contract, Alternative Right, and The Last Ditch. A bibliography of his work is available online at Devliniana.

Julian Langness - Fistfights with Muslims in Europe - Hour 1

Julian Langness writes about European politics, 4th Generation Warfare, identity, masculinity, and society. He regularly contributes articles to a range of websites including Traditional Right and Counter-Currents, and is also the editor of Langness is the author of Fistfights With Muslims In Europe: One Man’s Journey Through Modernity.

Fistfights with Muslims in Europe - Julian Langness - Hour 1

Julian Langness writes about European politics, 4th Generation Warfare, identity, masculinity, and society. He regularly contributes articles to a range of websites including Traditional Right and Counter-Currents, and is also the editor of Langness is the author of Fistfights With Muslims In Europe: One Man’s Journey Through Modernity.