music industry

THEY Are Throwing IT in Our FACE! – New Jay Dyer Mini-Doc

Programming and entrainment through mass public ceremonies is not new, but could have even achieved in such a degraded form in our day through decades of planning, as well as the planned counter-culture revolution of the 1960s. These decades prepared us for a new AEON, now being ushered in through greater and greater levels of degradation. Mass public ritual ceremonies are one of the chief ways we are initiated into this spiritual state: From the Beatles to Ariana Grande, we are being indoctrinated.

Jordan Peterson the Gnostic, Paganism & the Demonic – Jay Dyer on Rome is Burning

The Rome is Burning crew invited me on to discuss Paganism, Neo-Pagan movements and the liberal worship of biological determinism. From there we cover JBP’s gnosticism and the error of dualism. We cover the incoherence of paganism, its impersonal absolute, the connections to the errors of fascism and the deification of the state, as well as the haunting of America and the concept of dissociative states in acting.


ESOTERIC HOLLYWOOD: Dave McGowan’s Programmed to Kill: MK Ultra Serial Killers – Jay Dyer (Free Part)

As promised, we come to Programmed to Kill, an earlier, and equally important book from Dave McGowan, of Weird Scenes Inside Laurel Canyon fame.  I summarize his thesis and in the full talk give my analysis and commentary based on the numerous other analyses I’ve read regarding related material.  We look at the strengths and weaknesses of his book, as well as the crucial connection to Hollywood, which created a whole new entertainment genre surrounding ‘lone gunner sickos’….or are they really lone gunners?

Tin Foil Hat With Sam Tripoli #132: Esoteric Hollywood 2: The Occult – Jay Dyer and Allison Weber

Thank you so much for coming for tuning in for another special episode of Tin Foil Hat with Sam Tripoli. This episode is brought to you by the Ridge Wallet and (I had to record the read in a hallway so sorry it sounds so tingy!). Today we welcome author expert Jay Dyer and comedian Allison Weber to discuss the world of Hollywood. Sam’s podcast is here and check out his great videos here.