Murray Bookchin direct democracy

Localism in the 2020s (Part 1) – The 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Movement

Many of you probably have heard of the second amendment sanctuary movement, which consists of municipalities and counties across the U.S. passing resolutions pledging not to enforce additional gun control measures infringing upon the right to bear arms. The current movement traces its origins back to Effingham County in southern Illinois, which passed a resolution in April 2018 calling the county a second amendment "sanctuary", essentially a vow to ignore gun control legislation proposed by Illinois state lawmakers.

The Next Revolution by Murray Bookchin

We cannot content ourselves with simplistically dividing civilization into a workday world of everyday life that is properly social, as I call it, in which we reproduce the conditions of our individual existence at work, in the home, and among our friends, and, of course, the state, which reduces us at best to docile observers of the activities of professionals who administer our civic and national affairs.