Mueller Report

Never Forget: There Are Excellent Reasons Trump Is The Most Detested Man To Ever Occupy The White House

On Saturday night, in Green Bay, Trump was lying again about abortions. Chris Cameron, reporting for the NY Times quoted Trump's big abortion lie: "The baby is born. The mother meets with the doctor. They take care of the baby. They wrap the baby beautifully. And then the doctor and the mother determine whether or not they will execute the baby." Disgusting, right? And dangerous. But this was anything but the first time he fed this line of bullshit to his hateful supporters.

Fox Viewers Heard Napolitano Say This About Trump "That Is Immoral, That Is Criminal, That Is Defenseless And That Is Condemnable"

Fox News doesn't have Andrew Napolitano's segment about how Trump obstructed justice up on YouTube. If they wanted a lot of clicks, they'd have it available. As always, though, Fox would rather protect Trump. The random-- and partial-- posting above is likely to be taken down for infringement of Fox's material... so watch it quickly.What is relatively easy to find, though, is Napolitano's written OpEd for Fox News.

There Is No Doubt The Russians Are At It Again-- And There Is No Doubt Trump Is Mentally Incapable Of Dealing With That

Julian Barnes and Adam Goldman, reporting for the NY Times Friday-- FBI Warns of Russian Interference in 2020 Race and Boosts Counterintelligence Operations-- wrote that FBI director Wray warned about Russia’s continued meddling in American elections, calling it a 'significant counterintelligence threat.' The bureau has shifted additional

At Least Biden's Lackadasically-Planned Kick-Off Rally In Pittsburgh Monday Won't Be As Fake As Trump's Was

Writing for the Payday Report yesterday, union activist Mike Elk mentioned that, after a fat-cat Philly fundraiser-in-a-mansion con-sponsored by superrich union buster attorney Steven Cozen to kick off his campaign on Thursday, Status Quo Joe is going to demonstrate how down with the Rust Belt's white working class he is by showing up at a quasi-Potemkin Village version of a rally


I owe the corporate media an apology. For the last few years, I’ve been writing all these essays explaining how they were perpetrating an enormous psyop on the American public … a psyop designed to convince the public that Donald Trump “colluded” with Russia to steal the presidency from Hillary Clinton. Up until a few days ago, I would have sworn that they had published literally thousands of articles and editorials, and broadcast countless TV segments, more or less accusing him of treason, and being a “Russian intelligence asset,” and other ridiculous stuff like that.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahRemember "Mr. stable genius" Trump saying, over and over again, that he has the best memory, that he never forgets a single thing? Sigh, just another lie? A stroke? Just the general insanity? Syphilis? The dementia? All of the above?Of course, Trump is lying. Not that I'd discount the other possibilities. In the answers to his Mueller Report take home test, he's borrowing another page from Nixon book of legal loopholes for assholes.

John Neffinger Offers 7 Questions You Might Want To Take With You To The Next Republican Congress Member's Town Hall You Attend

What a pity Devin Nunes doesn't do town hall meetings with his constituents-- not even in disguise!A month before the release of the redacted Mueller report, John Neffinger, author-- Compelling People: The Hidden Qualities That Make Us Influential-- and former DNC Communications director-- told me that he's "open to the idea that there was not enough evidence to establish criminal conspiracy (at the very least in the same way that