Mueller Report

Sneaky Mueller tries to distract attention away from corrupt Deep State & towards Russia (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss special counsel Robert Mueller’s sneaky statement on his recently concluded Russia collusion report.
Mueller’s effort to divert attention away from US President Donald Trump’s orders to declassify documents pertaining to the FBI’s investigation into his campaign in 2016, and put the focus on impeachment and RUSSIA, showcases the level of panic that the Deep State is currently engaged in.

Mueller's Live Statement Yesterday Was Aimed At Congress, Especially House Democrats And Their Cowardly Leaders

In a move that perfectly mimics Orwell's Ministry of Truth, the Trumpist Regime has begun calling toxic hydrocarbon pollutants "molecules of freedom." So why should it surprise any one that Señor Trumpanzee himself, moments after watching Mueller give that televised statement above, tweeted/gaslighted something that could have come from an alternative universe?

Can AG Barr Unravel The Deep State Coup Against Trump Before 2020 Elections?

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the House Judiciary Committee Democrats vote to hold US Attorney Barr in contempt of Congress for refusing their demands for the unredacted Mueller report and its underlying evidence.
Democrat committee chair Jerry Nadler told reporters that the United States is now in a “constitutional crisis” after a vote along party lines of  22-12.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahWhat we saw from William Barr, Trump's Defense Attorney (masquerading as the Attorney General Of The United States) a few days ago, was a continuation of the statements in tonight's meme. According to William Barr and Donald Trump, obstruction of justice is legal and treasonous activity is legal and those who fight against such things are criminals engaged in a coup. In Barr's sick mind, whatever his dictator boss of bosses does is legal.

The Trumpist Regime's Criminality Is Getting On Everyone's Nerves

SURPRISE!! Look who doesn't want Mueller to testify publiclyHouse Judiciary Committee member David Cicilline (D-RI) was a guest on Fox News Sunday yesterday, where he confirmed that Barr is going to wind up with a contempt citation if he continues to prevent Congress from seeing government documents relevant to Trump's treasonous activities with the Russians. The deadline is this morning (at 9AM).

Barr testimony exposes collusion between Mueller, Media, and Democrats (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss U.S. Attorney General William Barr’s appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Democratic members of the Committee used the occasion to grandstand and virtue signal their ‘morality’, while berating the AG, as they accused Barr of trying to cover for U.S. President Trump.

"And Then You Are Lost. He Has Eaten Your Soul."

Just hours after the media disclosed that Mueller was not happy about how Barr had twisted his investigation's findings on Trump-- watch Maddow above-- Barr waddled over to the Senate, confident that the Judiciary Committee chair, Lindsey Graham, would protect him. Graham actually only made things worse by lying so blatantly that at least one TV news station was forced to break in to let their viewers know Graham wasn't being truthful. Anyway, before Barr waddled, everyone had already read Mueller's letter. Not you?

Feelin' More Stressed These Days? Gallup Says You're Not The Only One

Gallup just released their 2019 Global Emoitions Report. It should probably come as no surprise that most people in Greece, the Philippines, Tanzania, Albania, Iran and Sri Lanka are stressed out. Sri Lanka just went through years and years of bloody civil war. The Philippines have a fascist tyrant as president who's a lot like Trump; Iran is isolated and in existential danger from nuclear powers.