Mueller and Stone

Mueller indictment of Roger Stone proves ZERO Trump-Russia collusion took place (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris take a look at the Mueller-Stone indictment which led to the the pre-dawn raid at Roger Stone’s Florida home by heavily armed FBI agents.
Regardless of all the media spin and Mueller’s carefully crafted story telling with the indictment of Stone, the fact remains that Stone was indicted on process crimes with not a single trace of Russian collusion found.

Mueller arrests Roger Stone on process crimes. Still no Trump-Russia collusion to be found (Video)

RT CrossTalk host Peter Lavelle and The Duran’s Alex Christoforou take a quick look at Robert Mueller’s arrest of Roger Stone (an associate of President Donald Trump and an Infowars TV personality), on several criminal charges, all process crimes similar to previous Mueller indictments, from the special counsel’s Russia investigation.