China spin machine uses US liberal media in its whitewash [Video]

Recently, we put forth the notion that China is in trouble and that they know it. This speculation has borne itself out over the last week quite strongly, as multiple sources in China spin the story to try to tell about how well Chinese authorities handled the coronavirus outbreak in-country, while subtly, and sometimes not so subtly, blaming the virus’ appearance in China on American visitors carrying the virus into China thinking they had only the regular influenza. Like this:

Will Michigan Workers Put Bernie Back On Track Tuesday?

Bernie and Biden will face off in a one on one debate on Sunday, March 15 in Phoenix (with CNN and Univision hosting-- Jake Tapper, Dana Bash and Jorge Ramos moderating). Before then, though, we have a big day this Tuesday when Michigan, Washington state, Missouri, Mississippi and Idaho hold their primaries, also the day of North Dakota's primary and the last day of Democrats Abroad primary. Michigan is the big prize-- 125 delegates. Before Super Tuesday, Bernie was leading Biden 25-16% with Bloomberg and Elizabeth both at 13%, Mayo Pete at 11% and Klobuchar at 8%.

The Freakout Escalates: DNC, MSDNC & Korporate Democrats Losing Their Minds Over The Appeal Of Bernie Sanders

-by NoahAbout 20 years ago, I was looking for something to watch on the telly while I ate my dinner and I happened upon the Chris Matthews Hardball show. It was the first time I had ever seen in it and to this day, I simply turn the sound down or switch the channel whenever his show comes on. Why? Simple. First impressions mean a lot. That night Matthews was interviewing Newt Gingrich and it was anything but hardball. Since that night, I've called the show exactly what it is: Nerfball. Chris Mathews interviewing Newtie was no interview.

Russiagate returns: MSM ecstatically exploit evidence-free NYT claim Moscow ‘helping Trump in 2020’

By Nebojsa Malic | RT | February 21, 2020 The same media that flogged the insane ‘Russiagate’ conspiracy theory for years are resurrecting that particular dead horse, in what appears to be an effort to stop the White House from cleaning up the US intelligence community. “Russia is aiding President Trump in the 2020 election, […]