‘Refreshing Breath of Truth’ on Gaza Massacre, Palestine Allowed On-Air

IMAGE: CBS News guest Noura Erakat does not hold back when speaking her mind about Israel and Palestine on-air.
21st Century Wire says…
It’s not often and almost never that you see a major news network, in this case CBS News, invite a voice of truth to help explain the atrocities being carried out by Israel on the Palestinian people.

FINALLY: Russian doping case FAILS in court. Time to revisit Russia-gate?

It happened…Pandora’s Box was torn open, and out came Russia-gate, the Syrian Crisis, The Ukraine Crisis, and so much more, including the Russian Olympic doping scandal. By an odd turn of fate, however, it may be the resolution of the doping scandal, which brings hope for the other greater issues. Evidence for the Russian Olympic doping scandal, including the key testimony of Grigory Rodchenkov, was finally tried with fire – and found severely lacking. According to RT:

The Rise and Fall of the United Sheepdom (Tales From My Uncle’s Animal Farm)

The white sheep that constituted the majority of the country had it pretty nice. They were regularly fleeced, and a sizeable number of them were regularly sent to the slaughterhouse for the consumption of white wolves, but for the rest of time, their life was relatively well regulated and protected. At least, that’s what their newspapers, called SheepPost, SheepTimes, and SheepGuardian, were telling them.

Russia won without firing a single shot

Syria is still largely at the center of the geopolitical news focus. As in all military conflicts, the powers involved are each involved in their own version of “we won.” In an analysis piece written by Victor Marakhovsky of RIA Novosti, the stance is that Russia won this event without so much as firing a shot. He then goes on to detail why he says what he says.

CASE CLOSED: NO COLLUSION – House Intelligence Committee votes to release findings

The House Intelligence Committee has come to its conclusion as regards the matter of whether or not the Russian government or anyone in it was involved in collusion with the Trump campaign to interfere or alter election results in the 2016 Presidential Election.
That conclusion is simple.
There was none.
Zero, zilch, zip, nada, ничего.

Donald Trump calls out MSM: “Getting along with Russia is a good thing”

President Trump has found his stride as American Statesman after his first year in office. He has come to realize that the media and the political establishment will never agree to see or take his side on issues. Further, he always knew that his job as President was and is to lead the nation, not to worry about political points from critics.

Iranian protests used as propaganda for US media

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