
We can’t trust the renewed “polio vaccination” push. Here’s why.

Kit Knightly Last week we wrote about the new “polio outbreak” reported in the UK and around the world, and how it was likely yet another constructed narrative designed to sell yet more vaccines. After all, it was reported that the market for polio vaccines had “stagnated” through 2021, and the first-ever vaccine granted approval …

Debacle, Inc. How Henry Kissinger Helped Create Our “Proliferated” World

For all of the celebration of him as a “grand strategist,” as someone who constantly advises presidents to think of the future, to base their actions today on where they want the country to be in five or 10 years’ time, Kissinger was absolutely blind to the fundamental feebleness and inevitable collapse of the Soviet Union. None of it was necessary; none of the lives Kissinger sacrificed in Cambodia, Laos, Angola, Mozambique, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, East Timor, and Bangladesh made one bit of difference in the outcome of the Cold War.