Mount Athos

A word from an Athonite Elder about Coronavirus [Video]

This may be yet another example of how YouTube practices a type of censorship that does NOT involve removing “objectionable” material, but perhaps simply prevents any propagation of material that goes against the gospel of this world. Father Peter Heers delievers a stunning translation of a letter written in April of this year by one of the Athonite elders, who broke his silence to make clear the difference between his own point of view about the coronavirus pandemic and what is being attributed to him, often thoughts that he does not hold at

An Athonite monk rebukes Patriarch Bartholomew’s recent actions

The Union of Orthodox Journalists published a rebuke by one of the Athonite monastics directed at Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople for the anti-Christian activity he has been involved in, especially in recent times. The UOJ ( is the prime source for news coming out about the grievous situation surrounding the legitimization of two Ukrainian schismatic churches without requiring any particular repentance from the leaders of these groups.

Greece and Russia continue to forge trade relations in spite of EU obstacles

Greek membership of the European Union continues to hurt The Hellenic Republic on many fronts. Greece and Russia have been historic allies, sharing a fraternal Orthodox faith and a mutual respect for each other’s cultures. Greece partly owes is independence from Ottoman imperialism to Russian support.
READ MORE: NATO is trying to draw Russia into a new Balkan war