mortar rocket missile Hell Cannon terrorism

Highlighting the Peace Damascus Missed for Years When Under Terrorists’ Mortars

As I mentioned at the beginning of this clip, when in Syria as a journalist it usually takes 3 or so days to acquire the necessary permissions to go to areas outside Damascus (or rather, areas outside of Damascus where there is a risk due to presence of terrorists, terrorists bombings, or their landmines).
During this time, instead of loitering I try to interview average Syrian civilians, sometimes artisans, and otherwise love walking alone in the meandering back lanes, absorbing the atmosphere–whether daytime or evening.

Video Updates From Syria, Where Peace Reigns Nearly Fully Again


New Year’s Eve 2018 in Syria

Throughout the evening, I walked around Damascus neighbourhoods,  watching Syrians celebrate and talking with people, some of which I  caught on camera.
This is a compilation of scenes from New Year’s Eve in Syria, where the  pulse of life was stronger than I’ve ever seen over the years.
May 2019 bring full peace back to this beautiful country and its  wonderful people.

Faked concern: Haley & corporate media bleating about Idlib civilians, ignore terrorists’ presence

Partisangirl’s tweet here

-By Eva Bartlett

October 8, 2018,

*Blog post longer than original

Nikki Haley, the hypocritical US Ambassador to the UN, mistakenly thinks she can dictate – from New York City, far from the terrorists which her country supports – that the Syrian army cannot fight and eradicate al-Qaeda in Idlib.

Damascus Trade Fair and Festival of the Cross Mark the Return of Peace to Much of Syria

A Maaloula fire spinner during the annual September Festival of the Holy Cross in Maaloula, Syria. Eva Bartlett | In Gaza
Eva Bartlett attends the Damascus International Trade fair and the annual Maaloula Festival of the Cross to see how Syrians in areas liberated from jihadi rule are defiantly celebrating their new found freedoms.
September 24, 2018, Mint Press News

On RT to discuss terror attacks on villages near Idlib, esp #Mhardeh, also White Helmets pending false flag chemical hoax

In studio in Damascus yesterday, discussing the tragic attack on Mhardeh on September 7, an attack with at least 9 Grad missiles, according to the local defense forces (NDF), 6 of which contained cluster sub munitions.
11 killed, over 20 injured, including critically. I interviewed Shadi Yousef Shehda, a father whose three young children were murdered, along with his wife and mother. His pain was beyond heartbreaking, while speaking to me and showing his children’s clothing and toys.

Eva Bartlett on Syria: myths, media lies, and realities. Imperialism on Trial, Birmingham

Eva Bartlett speaks about the Imperialist war on Syria, looking at myths and media lies on Syria.

This was one of several speeches at Imperialism on Trial, in Birmingham, the third night of the tour.
Panel included:
-The former British Ambassador to Syria, Peter Ford
-Professor Peter Kuznick, co-author (w Oliver Stone) of the Untold History of the United States
-Michael Pike, member of Veterans for Peace, poet.