
Porkins Policy Radio episode 93 What Ever Happened to Egypt with Caram Kapp

Today I am joined by friend of the show Caram Kapp. Caram was last on episode 42 The Homeland Hackers, and returns to discuss the Egyptian uprising six years later. We start off by discussing the basics of the uprising and some of the behind the scenes actors. Caram explains his own experiences as an Egyptian, and as someone who was there on the ground around this time. We touch on the rumors of Western manipulation and how some of these allegations have overshadowed the real life grievances of the Egyptian populace and their reasons for wanting to get rid of Mubarak.

Video of civilian gunned down in Cairo while helping a wounded man

According to the Wall Street Journal of August 14, 2013, top members of the Egyptian military junta now ruling that nation after the coup are Israeli assets.The U.S. media are not calling the murder of more than 500 protestors a massacre because the killers are Israeli allies.In the eyes of the American media, everything that happens in the Middle East is weighed on the Talmudic scale of whether the action or event benefits or harms the Israeli government.Morsi was an ally of Hamas, therefore the military that overthrew Morsi, a man elected in a democratic vote, cannot be that bad.

Egypt not to sell more state-owned companies: Morsi

Xinhua | April 30, 2013

CAIRO — Egypt would not sell any more state- owned companies, President Mohamed Morsi said Tuesday.
In his speech to steel industry workers in Helwan district in Cairo on the eve of Labor Day, Morsi said there will be no more selling of the public sector again, stressing that the private sector could not be an alternative for the public sector.