
BREAKING: Donald Trump approves NATO membership for Montenegro

Donald Trump has just approved Montenegro as NATO’s newest member state. The move is contentious as Montenegro was bombed in the illegal 1999 NATO war of aggression against Yugoslavia of which it was then a part.
Montenegro peacefully split from Serbia in 2006 to become a small independent state.
While the Montenegrin government has supported moves to join the US led alliance, socialist and pro-Serbia opposition parties have been dramatically opposed to such moves. The moves also roused public opinion during a series of anti-NATO protests in the small west Balkan state.

What?! John McCain says Rand Paul is “Working for Putin”

21st Century Wire says…
The fake news continues.
Today, John McCain accused Rand Paul of “working for Putin”, because he objected to the expansion of NATO via the membership of Montenegro.
In the following video, Stuart J. Hooper examines the other nefarious activities John McCain has been involved with and asks why anybody in their right mind would still vote for him?

Milo Djukanovic’s Claims of Russian Assassination Plot Are a Desperate Ploy to Further NATO Bid

By James George JATRAS | Strategic Culture Foundation | 26.02.2017 Reports surfacing in the British media of a Russian plot to kill Montenegro’s former prime minister Milo Djukanovic should be seen for the cynical ploy they are. To give just the smallest bit of defense to these British publications – yes, it is true Djukanovic […]

Russia NOT involved in ‘Montenegro coup’

© Sputnik/ Ramil Sitdikov By Alexander Mercouris | The Duran | February 21, 2017 As the hysteria over the wholly fictional links between the Trump administration and Russia continues unabated, claims have been circulating about a supposed Russian plot to overthrow the government of Montenegro so as to prevent that country from joining NATO. To […]