
Montenegro became 29th NATO member, and first country bombed by NATO to enter NATO

Montenegro became the 29th member of NATO on Monday and was of course praised by the United States for joining the Western military alliance, even though the people of Montenegro did not have much say in the matter as their Prime Minister Dusko Markovic all but forced the tiny balkan nation into the alliance.
Serbia which is still resisting entrance into the block is slowly being surrounded by the globalist aggressor alliance.

100 years later, the west has authored a new Balfour Declaration for the Balkans

The illegal 1999 NATO war on Yugoslavia caused two parallel crises and is the proximate cause of a third. Most tragically, it caused the displacement of thousands of Serbians from their native Serbian province of Kosovo and Metohija to other parts of Serbia. Many still live without permanent homes.
At the same time, although the Serbia province of Kosovo and Metohija became fully occupied by ethnic Albanians with the help of NATO forces and EU political enforcers, many decided to take up permanent residency in neighbouring countries including in Macedonia.

US President Trump pushed Montenegro Prime Minister, but Bill Clinton bombed Montenegro (Video

Bill Clinton killed people for money.
George Bush killed people for money.
Barack Obama killed people for money.
Hillary Clinton killed people for money.
The western mainstream media championed the illegal bombings spearheaded by the above US Presidents.
Donald Trump pushed the Prime Minster of Montenegro during a NATO meeting, and the western mainstream media is disgusted and outraged.

5 reasons Montenegro’s PM DESERVED to be shoved by Trump

During Donald Trump’s first NATO summit as POTUS, he unceremoniously shoved Montenegrin Prime Minister Duško Marković out of the way as he walked up to the front of a NATO group photo. While the anti-Trump mainstream media are predictably losing their rag over the incident, there is more than meet the eye.
Many in Montenegro are actually on Trump’s side in this instance. This is something that will shock many of Trump’s liberal US critics, many of whom cheered on the NATO bombing of Montenegro in 1999. The rest would probably be hard pressed to find Montenegro on a map.

Albania proves that failed states can also be imperial aggressors

Imperialism is generally associated with large nations that grow into great empires. However, in the age of modern warfare and mass propaganda, small, poor nations are now equally capable of such things.
The impoverished Republic of Albania is one such example of this. In spite of being among Europe’s poorest and most corrupt states, Albanian leaders who have long desired a distraction from the countries woeful internal problems, are turning increasingly towards something called Greater Albania.

Here’s why Albania is a failed state

With many eyes on Macedonia’s political situation which has been made worse by foreign interventions from the EU and NATO which both support the Tirana Platform which would effectively destroy the unity of the Macedonian state, internal events in Albania itself may soon jeopardise stability in the region.
READ MORE: Albanian flag on desk of Macedonian Parliamentary Speaker. Will Macedonia survive as a state?

Serbia’s President-elect Aleksandar Vucic has evidence of a ‘Greater Albania’ project

Serbia’s President elect Aleksandar Vucic has recently exposed damning statements from William Walker, the American former head of  the OSCE (Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe)  mission to the war torn Serbian province of Kosovo and Metohija.
Vucic’ statements speak of Walker’s desire to create a so-called Greater Albania that will annex parts of neighbouring states including Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Greece into a large Albanian state in the Balkans.

The folly of Montenegro’s ascension to NATO

The Federal City of Moscow has a population of over 12 million. New York City has just over 8.5 million. By contrast, the country of Montenegro has just over 600,000 people. The small state, in which many regret legally separating from Serbia in 2006, is currently ratifying the necessary documents to join NATO.
The move is entirely political as the country is simply too small to represent any meaningful military contribution to NATO.